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Half brave!



Chatting to Sue the other day, I told her that its exhausting being brave all the time, so we decided it's ok being half-brave!!! At times, I just want to bury my head in the sand and only surface when this has all passed! But, I can't, I'm too busy "being ok". In front of work colleagues, friends and family, I'm doing great, but actually I'm just getting through each day. It's no wonder I collapse in bed at the end of the day! cloud9.gif


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hey Vicky:



its relief to be half brave, I did mistake of telling my friends about my blog and now even on that 1 Ican't be not strong


but I know the feeling




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Hey Vix,

I hear you on this one. It at times feels like a role that I play and does the weight of it get heavy! But I agree half brave is ok.


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I agree with all of you being brave is a heavy rock to carry around.


It is good to be able to carry half a rock and even occasionally put it down.


I think here I don't always have to be I can be a wooos and others understand, there will be someone understand, besides my husband.



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