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well, christmas season is upon us, even though it's going to be over 50 degrees again in globally-warmed Brooklyn, NY


being born and raised Jewish, for me, Christmas is the day when you get off from work, go to a movie, and eat Chinese food. it has no emotional significance for me. however, it might bring up a lot of negative feelings for others.




if you're not into christmas, why not celebrate festivus, for the rest of us?


we can plan a virtual festimus party.


i'll get the pole.






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Guest lwisman


Did you know Christmas is in December because in pagan days people celebrated the light coming back. The shortest day of the year in Dec 21, and in those days people thought the sun might not come back. Therefore they celebrated when the days started getting longer.


I have found this a helpful context for the holiday season. Isn't it great that the sun is not going away forever? The days will keep getting longer for six months. This is great news.

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hey Sandy:


lets have festivious party, and I don't think you need pole for that. I am Hindu growing up in cosmopolitian city Bombay xmas was something our neighbours celebrated, they celebrated diwai and xmas both, so for me after coming to US we celebrate all holidays including xmas, we light up and decorate our plastic tree and give present to our son, and I get my perfume during that time, since its on sale during those timeframe. my family spends relaxing time at home during xmas vacation or better yet my hubby would take some time off and we take mini vacation in US someplace .


but maybe we should have xmas chat party in our stroke wonderland



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Christmas was basically adapted from a Celtic Pagan holiday called Yule, which is the celebration of the Winter Solstice. Easter, also, was adapted from a Pagan holiday called Ostara.


from a website called "Witchvox":

"Although Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ it is a fact that the actual day of Christ

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I did, I did, thats why I say you got it going on, you got much knowledge on all parallels.


I started to study Jewish religion after reading many articles on Sammy Davis right after he married May Britt. I lived in the library reading every thing I could get my hands on.


I finished high school at 17, went into the Army in 1958, but didn't start any college until 1965, finally getting a bachelor's degree in business admin in 1979. That was a struggle year after year being in the Army, a war, and raising a family.

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Ok, I'm game, when should we do the festivus party? And we do need the pole. Who's going to dance? I can think of one person who was a great pole dancer one night in the coffee shop during an impromptu party. roflmao.gif Sandy, do we need Mistletoe for festivus? As ?I haven't got a clue, what Festivus is, alittle explanation would be helpful....


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rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifcloud9.gifcloud9.gifpash.gifcocktail.giffrench_cig_nomo.gif ,

yes yule , indeed, dec.21. yule log , quarters,smundge broom, ,songs, mediation, dance ,24 people . ridgewood , nj ,

you come ? mary















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