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Hard Decision to Make



I really have some big decisions to make and am having a really hard time making them.


The past 1 1/2 weeks have been like living in hell. Chris' insurance pays for an aide to take care of him while I'm working. This woman has been with us since August and everyday is only getting worse. It is like having Hitler with us 40 hours a week. The past week Chris has been very anxious and moody. Finally I got him to tell me what is really going on and he said that he has had all he can handle of this woman.


Without going into a long drawn out story - I have had several discussions with Chris' physician about some of the things that have been going on and she now has advised me to get rid of her. The most recent - she has these dagger fake fingernails and I have found scratches on Chris and lately she is poking him in his private while she is bathing him. I talked to her previously about why she is doing his leg exercises without him having his underware on and only a sheet draped on him and she had no answer for me. This seemed very odd!!!!!! Some of Chris' medications have been changed and he is alittle more tired which the doctor said will wear off within about 2 weeks. She has now started to make statements to him like "do you want me to leave if your not going to do your exercises?" and today she got very angry at him when he had difficulty when using the urinal. She actually raised her voice at him and got very short and abrupt.


In my opinion this is verbal abuse!!!!!!!!!!!! I have tried talking to her several times but when I do she puts up a wall and gets one very nasty attitude about her.


I have been upset about this situation for days now and know that I need to end this working relationship but I just don't know exactly what to say to her supervisor. I know that the truth is the best, but I really don't feel like having any repercussions. I have found out that these agencies no matter what always take the side of their employees. It was suggested to me to get a hidden camera put in Chris' room so that she can be caught in action.


I can't go thru one more day with this person, but at the same time I need to be really careful because I can't go one day without help because I need to keep working. So I am hoping by Friday I can figure all this out and hopefully by Monday have someone else here. My eyes are going to be on her tho for the rest of the week, because she is very sneaky. I have caught her many many times being nasty and when she sees that I have entered the room her tone completely changes. She also has been tellng Chris all her personal problems which Chris does not need to hear - he has enough of his own. I have discussed this situation with many people - people that are very close to us and all have advised me to get rid of her. So hopefully I will have taken care of this problem before another week comes to a close.


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I'm a firm believer in following your instincts. If you can't bear to be truthful with this woman's employer, just tell them you're having personality conflicts with the woman and demand a replacement. You're paying the tab and deserve to get someone who doesn't have you thinking 'abuse.' She certainly doesn't sound like she's working in the right profession. By the way, inapproperate touching of a care recipient is also abuse.


My niece was having trouble with her caregivers recently. She changed agencies and found a world of difference in the level of care and compassion coming from the people they'd send compared to the ones coming from the first place.


Good luck!




P.S. If you have access to a camera you can hide, I sure wouldn't hestiate to do it...just in case the woman does make a fuss down the road.

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I had trouble with the respite carer I had for Mum when she was here. It was ony three hours but she actually left Mum alone! I rang the agency siting personal differences, she was replaced by a lady who still stops and says hello when she sees us.

Personal dignity is important to the surivor and if it was Ray I would be setting a video trap if just asking for someone else doesn't work.


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As a survivor, I'll give you my view. If she is being nasty, you'd do well to be rid of her. Cause days are long enough without someone negative or just not compatible to your husband. That makes the days twice as long and won't be good for his overall attitude or recovery.

As has been suggested already, change agencies or demand a replacement.

Whatever repercussions come out of you getting rid of this woman, so be it. Chris is more important then hurt feelings.

Lots of luck


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The day I heard one of Gary's aides cussing him out with a nasty tone of voice, was her last day on the job. I told her "I will call you if I need you again, but I think we'll be doing okay for a while." I didn't have to explain why I didn't want her back; she knew I heard her raising her voice. She also knew she had lied to me about doing his exercises. Before you have another aide in the house, explain to them what you will or will not tolerate.


Good luck, Kim. I know how difficult it is to find good, caring, reliable help. I have to go out in 8 degree weather today, so have a friend who will sit with Gary while I run pick up the aide, who doesn't have a car. It costs me $15/hr. just to go get groceries and run a few errands and all she can do is sit with him and watch t.v. She can't transfer him, feed him, or anything else. But I have to get out.



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Can you imagine this same woman in a long term care facility? Which may or could happen once she leaves your house. Looks like if they don't want to do what's right and proper, get out of the business, fine some job you like better. That's a sorry person in my book, man or woman. I could not do anybody like that.


That's why I've been married 4 times, before I mistreat a woman, I will leave, I'm not going to prison, and I'm not killing somebody's daughter under any circumstances.

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