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Historical Day Dec 7, 2005



Just as I was about to blog, the news flash on ABC, stated a man just got shot aboard a flight in Miami, Fl, by an air marshall, first time in history of the air marshall service. About 1:45 CT. History is always being made.


Anyway dec 7, 1941, 64 years ago, my age. The day America changed forever. A dozing United States abruptly and violently began its transformation into a global superpower. The Japanese navy launched a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.There was national outrage at the Japanese, who formally declared war only after learning that the attack had been a success;and at the Germans, when they too declared war four days later. The rest is more history.


I wonder what it would have been like then,with the cell phone communications abilities we have today? Well the cell phones had no effect in New Orleans.


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out of curiosity and learning with kid, I have just started reading about pearl harbour, and decision to throw nuclear bomb on japan, and so many civilian lives got lost there,

I think whatever the cause was to go on waron japan or iraq , I don't admire any of the war presidents, including trumen and george bush



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WW2 started in 1939, America came in in 1941. The Brits went into the war to defend Poland and stop Germany taking over the rest of Europe. I guess the reasons for going to war are usually good ones at the time. The reasons for staying in not so good. I feel sorry now for those whose sons and daughters are killed because of war, both the few soldiers and the many civilians.

When we pray for peace at Christmas we pray against those who think violence is the answer. But we also pray for those who defend our freedom by using violence.

Life is an enigma.


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In my opinion, there is no way to compare WWII with the current war. Both Fred and I have family members over there right now so I'm not going to express how I REALLY feel about the current war, but I will say that our reasons for getting into WWII were moral and just.




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i have no problem describing the current war in iraq as an invasionby the American military for the purpose if protectiong those oil pipelines and the investments of multinational corporations. many brave american soldiers will die and become disabled because onthis decision. december 7, 1941, the japanese invaded america by attacking pearl harbor, thus precipitating america's entry into WWII. i have heard it said that FDR knew there was a probability that this would occur, and let it happen anyway, sending the navy's aircraft carriers out on maneuvers so that they would not be destroyed. even if that was true, i agree with Jean that that war was one that at that point in time had to be fought.


the person who was shot and killed by air marshalls on the tarmac after running out of an airplane, refusing to lay down, and reaching into his luggage sounds like he was committing 'suicide by air marshall.' i heard on the radio that his wife was screaming that he was her husband, was manic-depressive, and that he was not taking his medication. the situation sounds like a very sad and tragic justifyable homicide.


sandy cloud9.gif

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