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Feel like I'm going downhill



Well I may as well try writing my blog in green, maybe it will help. The Holidays are over. I couldn't hardly get through them. I feel fine physically, it's the depression hitting me harder. I've been having nightmares every 1 out of 2 nights. My thoughts are NOT clear and it's more difficult to find a warm spot within me. I just don't feel good in my skin! Ooh I just hate myself that I cannot come out of this depression. I need to be planning my life! I need to know what I'm going to do if I lose my job.

I'm just so sick of going around in circles. I feel like nothing I ever do is "good" enough. I am 50 and STILL waiting to get a sense of closure as to why I don't have children. I still don't have closure with my divorce in 1992. I should not still be having feelings about this. It is difficult to love myself because I feel like a failure. And if this is a "pity party" then so be it. I'm just sick of always trying to do the "right" thing. It doesn't even matter WHAT you do anyway, when the stronger can get by with their power and corruption. I am Nothing more than a problem for them.

Boy I'm in a lousy mood. I've been trying to act "normal" all during the Holidays but felt like this garbage inside. Even in my dreams, I can't get a break?! waycon1.gif


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Remember we are both in the same boat about our work.

I have been given no guarentees of a job.yet.

Where would we be if we didn't stroke?

Still slaving away with the heavy work we did.but enjoyed and it was


Maybe it is because of fate where we are now,but where we are going

is sure undecided.

It would be great if we could just be recovered and swept away and

be kept women,but we know that that will not likely happen.

Hang in! as I am trying to do. I thought the worst of our strokes was over,

but maybe worst is yet to come and then things will get better,when they can't get any worse.

pm me any time

Take Care



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Hi, VM (Joanne)


Some great thoughts there Lorraine. I hope VM you reach out to Lorraine as we all need a friend that we can share with.


Life's load can get pretty heavy at times.


Not sure if you have faith but check out this link it may just help.




I "hope" this helps!


Smiles smile.gif



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