vmoran's Blog

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I haven't blogged in ages. Tommorrow is the 4th anniversary of my little brothers death.


Anniversary sounds like something you should celebrate. I'm not celebrating.


The pain comes back so fresh and new just thinking about him, cutting to the core, like a wound that doesn't heal.


I cried today. For Cinder and the "Dad" that we've all grown to love, for David, for Sarah, for everyone who suffers a loss of life. A loss of love.


My head hurts from crying. My heart hurts worse.


They say grief heals in time, and there are days when I can walk past David's pictures, or watch his video's, or see his movie, and I can smile. And then there are days like today. When I think 33 years wasn't enough, and How could a good God do this ... and I know I'm not alone in my grief.


And tommorrow, I'll send my love to Indiana and my prayers to heaven.


For David and for Ronda's dad.




My little brother





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I'm sending you all kinds of cyber hugs. No way around it, sometimes those anniversaries are heart breakers.



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Hugs and more to you Vicki, I too have Anniversaries I can not call celebrations, but days of rememberance.


Best wishes and hugs


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Anniversaries can be celebrations or memorial days either is good where appropriate.


Lovely meeting you in chat again.


Sue. :friends:

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