fking's Blog

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It's late night, I can't imagine going to bed and not having a blog to read for the 18th. So, since I have rehab tomorrow, Thursday, in the pool, I just want to say, if you get depressed at your current condition, just get over to the VA hospital in your town and see the many people in different conditions. Some better, some worse conditions than yours. It gives you more strength and courage to continue your rehab, exercise and medications to cope with a slower pace in life.


Feel good that you are living, breathing and in most cases only need a little assistance. I saw some veterans that needed much help in all areas of dependancy, I even held doors open for one guy with no limbs, but he could operate his chair with a special hook up.

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That sounds like a good place for me. I spend way to much time feeling sorry for myself. I didn't used to be so self absorbed. I miss the warm thoughtful woman I used to be. I think I'll start looking for her.

Keep up all your hard work . It'll all pay off in the end.

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