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Gaining Weight Post Stroke



January 20, 2006


Okay, this is my first attempt at blogging. I figure I will start out with what's heaviest on my mind right now. During the last 5 months I have gained so much weight. Yes, some of it is due to the medications that I am currently taking. But the rest is due to the dramatic change in my activity level in relation to the amount of food I eat on my Vegetarian, Low Fat, Low Cholesterol, Low Sodium diet.


My husband does all the shopping, cooking, and serving of the meals because my balance, coordination, and tremor issues make those activities unsafe and out of reach for me at this time.


But I still find it difficult to understand how I have gained the weight so fast. My food choices are healthier than before the stroke. My portions are measured. I have a schedule for my meals. I just can't seem to work out a healthy balance.


I would be grateful to hear from anyone that might have some suggestions for me. I feel like I am the only one fighting this problem.


:( Debbie


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Ask your doctor if any of the mediction you are on will help you gain weight, I think some antidepressants do. Keep a food diary so those little things you consider snacks are counted. Ask your husband to cut back just a little on meal portions.


If you can do some planned exercises even if you only do them with your good side that will help use energy and burn calories. Putting one arm up is half of two arms up, if you see what I mean so uses half of the energy.


Ray's problem is losing wieight, runs out of energy eating as chewing is such a problem for him now.


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Debbie, my thought and what I did was see the dietician at the hospital for free while I was there. She gave me a sheet of instructions to go by along with a food choice paper.


The problem I had was the better I was feeling, the more I ate stuff that was a no-no and not on the list. Then you gotta pay attention to the trans fats and processed foods.


It's easy to gain, as you know, but I get weighed every appointment I go to, about two each week lately. So, I try to eat healthy and say no to the things I love to eat and shouldn't have.


I love catfish and shrimp, but salmon and sardines are much healthier with mega3 oil the brain needs along with nuts and fruits. There goes my ice cream.


Welcome to the blog community and good luck on eating the right foods in the smaller potions. That's what I do, even exercise your weak side while typing. Stand up about every 20 minutes and lift your leg and arm up for about 10 to 20 counts. time passes real fast, then I sit on the bed put my feet in the chair and do sit-ups, about 10.

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