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You won't believe this!!!



My Neurosurgeon decided to become a gynocologist!!


Ok, I haven't seen her in almost a year but, couldn't the HMO have warned me???


I went to renew my plavix - and the drug store pharmacist says "your script will expire next month". So I call the neuro's office to renew the prescription (the prescription SHE said I'd have to be on for life!!) and I find out she quit!! Without referring me to anyone in her practice!!


OK - I can deal with that. "Can someone else write my presciption?" I ask with all the sweetness I can muster! and I'm told NO. In my HMO I have to see a neurosurgeon, or at least a neurologist to get a prescription.


Unless I have a referral, the wait is three months to get a freaking appointment!!!! My prescription expires in days!!!


I can't get a referral because "my" doctor no longer practices in "that" area, so I call my Mom's doctor and ask for a favor - (she's a personal "go out to dinner" type friend of my Mom's) and I figured she could write the re-order.




So at this point, I'm crying (emotional lability - I can't get angry normally, I burst into tears instead) and I call Ryan's doctor ( He's a GP, who's known us since Ryan (15) was 3) and HE feels sorry for me. He makes some calls and he gets some guy he went to school with to write a new prescription for three months worth of PLAVIX.


PLAVIX - if it's a mind altering drug - they didn't tell me!!

The HMO makes it so freaking hard to get, you'd think people were standing in line waiting to go on a blood thinner "high"!!!!


I still can't get an appointment with a doctor for a visit in the next three months so i'm doing things the hard way.


1. appointment with Ryan's GP for a check up.

2. referral to an "urgent" care center for an MRI

3. another visit to the GP

4. Referral for "consultation" with a neuro

5. (At this point the neuro better write a script!!!) Consultation


Is this the stupidest thing you ever heard of????


It gets better ... the neuro who wrote the script for Ryan's GP says I shouldn't be on Plavix, I had a bleed not a clot!!!


I can't believe it - can you????


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It's been my experience to call my HMO, in my case its Tricare Prime, they suggested another PCP, who then reffered me to a neurologist and to the eye institute for futher care. Somehow a lot of doctors and clinics stopped being Tricare participators when the health care system revamped a while back.


Somehow, someway, you gotta get hooked up with another clinic and doctor approved by the insurance you are under.

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Yes, I cann believe anything, I goto an out of town Dr, (long story)- not too far but one where you can't just drop in the office and say you didn't give me enough medicine between my visits. It's possible too that the medicine I take comes in bottles of 90, not 100 which I ask for and I believe is a common number.....so I ran out and the pharmacy called the Dr.s office and they gave me only enough for 30 days which would bring me to New Years. So I needed a few more until I could get an appointment fitted in with my work. I gave them all info. They called and I wasn't here but my sister was and asked her what I needed. She said she didn't know thename of the med but it's on my chart (duh!). There was another call and they decided that I was getting it at another pharmacy, I guess and she said Target and probably didn't say the city- but I believe that is listed also. Anyway, when I called the pharmacy and there was no medicine, I just called my neurologist and got it from them. Of course I don't belong to an HMO. I wouldn't be able to deal with all their stupid rules.............


Stick in there. Just look for someone and get the meds when you can (preferably earlier although I know there are certain times and rules with HMOs. Good luck.


PS What a switch in practices (types) Probably, malpractice insurance is easier to obtain. I believe many neurosurgeons are now "employed" by the hospital who pays their malpractice or a part of it.

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NOTHING in medicine surprises me, but....i must admit, this is a little odd, no, more than a little odd.


your neurosurgeon, i think, had to do residencies in neurosurgery and ob-gyn to hang out a shingle in either specialty.


they are two different primary specialties, so she could not have even done a residency in general surgery (2 years), then a residency in gynecology and then a residency in neurosurgery, or vica-versa. she would have to do a full residency in ob-gyn (4 years), than a surgery-neurosurgery combo (4, or 4+ years.) even if she did, she would be going back to gyn after practicing neurosurgery for many years. that sounds pretty dangerous.


i hope you get your Plavix without having to hold up a pharmacy. somehow, that almost sounds easier.


sandy :giggle:

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:D Sandy, Holding up a pharmacy is a brilliant idea!!!


Ok, this is how screwed up my HMO is ... I found out today my Neurosurgeon didn't quit to become a ob/gyn!

She quit and she's seeing an ob/gyn -- she's pregnant with triplets!!


The "service" girl that answers the phones had it wrong! And I think it's hysterical that she works for a group of brain surgeons! :roflmao:

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