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Oh, it has been a busy day around here. My daughter finally moved the remainder of her belongings into her new apartment. Of course, Dad made several trips back and forth. The final trip came early this afternoon. I was fortunate to tag along and see the place for myself.


I got the grand tour, while Dad finished setting up all the electronics for my daughter and her roommate.

I gave a "thumbs up" to the place - the fridge was even stocked with healthy food. However, it was difficult to navigate my walker through some of the small door ways and I almost tripped over a number of scattered rugs. Finally, my husband parked me on the end of the futon in the den, while he and the girls put the finishing touches on the place.


I won't lie and tell you that I am grateful the nest is empty - quite the contrary, I will miss seeing her pop in and out the door each day. And I always felt more comfortable when my daughter could be called upon to help out with me when my husband had to be away from the house in the evening.


But I will adapt to this change. That's what parents do. One funny thing did happen - for 2 weeks my daughter has been begging me not to cry when she leaves. I'm so emotional these days, it wasn't easy keeping the tears at bay. So when it was time to say goodbye this evening, I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and told her how proud I was of the woman she has grown to be.


So how did my daughter react - well, I think she was rather hurt that I didn't cry and carry on.

Kids! It doesn't matter how old they are, I still can't figure them out! :uhm:


I'll probably spend the rest of the evening bouncing emails back and forth to my son. He is in the Marine Corps. On his way to Iraq four days ago, his plane brokedown and they had to land in Rota, Spain. He will be leaving Spain on or about Monday. In the meantime, he seems very bored. But I'd rather have him spend more time in Spain and less time in Iraq.


It's time to say goodbye :Zzzz: - I'm tired and typing :Typing: is getting more difficult to do. Sweet Dreams :Neeeedsleeep: and here's to another day of recovery.





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In another 8 years we will be furnishing our kido's room, the feeling itself scares me, all these years are so precious, I still remember bringing my 9-1/2 pounder home and feeling proud mom when everyone said he was big boy. It's hard thing to letting your kid grow and go.



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