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Sorry to cut you off Bonnie



Hi Bonnie


I am sorry to have left you so suddenly today when we were talking on MSN Messenger.


I have been having computer frustrations lately and the darn'd thing hung up on me and I had to reboot from scratch.


In fact it wouldn't even reboot and I had to go to safemode to run a diagnostic so I was off the net for awhile.


I think this type of thing is called "Gremlins in my Computer"....Sorry


To everyone else here at Strokenet I have not had the energy for the past few weeks to be up and about on Strokenet. So to that end I have been missing some chats, not doing much by way of posts on the message board and not posting to this or the Harmony Lane Blog.


You see a couple of weeks ago I had an "episode" about 6:20 am where I ended up on the bathroom floor for about an hour before recovering enough to get going again. Unfortunately that little "episode" has knocked the stuffing out of me and although I am trying to keep on the go, my go is quite slow.


At the same time I have had a few "Little" projects that I am working on.


1) My aunt has sent me some family history that she has been working on for the past few years and I am attempting to key punch the data into a computer program in order to create an electronic file of all the information that she has compiled.


2) I have about 5 or 6 books on my todo reading list.


3) The lady that I work with had a hip replacement so I have beeen putting in more hours at the office. (she just fell on Friday and fractured her upper arm bone. (I got a call tonight to let me know that the new hip is not functioning properly and she will have to be hospitaized))


4) two or three friends have asked me to do research assignments and tape dubbing projects for them.


So such is life at Harmony Lane. Thanks for letting me vent and I will be here (at Strokenet) when I can.


Smiles :)




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Sorry to hear about your "episode." Take care of yourself and I hope you'll get your energy back soon.



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Hi Gary, don't worry I understand, just had a little chat.

rest as much as you can and hope "the little episode" everything okay and rest as much as you can...

Best Wishes Bonnie

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hey Gary:


don't let the little episode slow you down big guy, take enough rest we will be still here when you come back eh.


BTW how did you fell, you lost balance or something, it happens to me all the time, for past 2 weekends while trying to sit on stool, I have been landing on floor. once again take good care of yourself, and practice getting up from floor



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Hi Mum, Bonnie eh and Asha


Thanks for your replys. I appreciate them very much. Asha I didn't so much fall as more of a collapse. You see since the stroke I have these episodes every so often where I start to cramp and feel like I need to go pottie (LOL) when actually I don't but the stroke has effected the trigger mechinisim so I feel like I do. Then my BP starts to fall and I get very weak. (an episode usually lasts about an hour and then I feel fine again) I usually try to lie down and relax untill it passes.


This time when it started I was still in bed asleep so it woke me up and I thought that I needed to go to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I realized that it was an episode and that I should get back to bed. I stood up and I guess I was so weak at that point that I collapsed. I do kinda remember thinking after I was on the floor that at least I was in a prone position so I might as well just relax and let it pass. I guess about 45 minutes passed before I awoke and felt well enough to get back to my feet and back to my bed. I had left the bedroom at 6:20 am and got back at 7:10 am. (almost an hour)


Btw Asha I am familiar with the balance thing that you describe. Shortly after my release from hospital I fell off a wooden kitchen stool. Bruised myself up a bit but otherwise no damage. LOL


Thanks again for your replies.


Smiles :)



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