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The nerve of a dicount empoyee.



Yesterday I set out for the big Wal-Mart to do the weekly grocery shopping, and get a new watch battery.


The lady working at Wal-Mart in the jewelry department, gave me a knife like object and asked me to take the plate off the back of my watch. I told her a short version of why I couldn't. I said "This arm is paralyzed, and I have only one arm to use. I cannot do it." She seemed miffed at the fact she was the one who had to take the watch plate off. Isn't that what her job is for? Taking care of customers?


I am taking my watch battery business elsewhere now.

(Like $6.00 for a battery is going to hurt the business.)



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Guest lwisman




I have mixed feelings about WalMart. The one near us is very small (no groceries), does not have automatic doors, narrow aisles, and so on. I never go there. While I was on vacation earlier this month in New Mexico I went to WalMart several times. It was a huge store and I can see why people go there. Their grocery section was much cleaner than Albertsons, wide aisles, great selection, good prices. Anyway...


I have been against WalMart for some time as I know they do not treat employees well. For example, they are notorious for hiring people for 36 hours a week. That way they do not have to pay health benefits.


I have noticed that in stores where employees are treated well one gets better service. Maybe that was a reason why the clerk was rude.


I found a kiosk in a local mall that is very helpful. They will change watch batteries.


Sorry you had so much trouble.

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Amy, you know it only takes one monkey to foul up the show, as the saying goes, one monkey don't stop the show. I would have taken the matter up with the manager. Probably, right now, he is not aware of your insident.


I shop there all the time, when a problem, like yours surfaces, I go straight to customer service area and ask for the manager on duty. I've had to do that 3 times in two years, my problems were solved right there. One time was paying my credit card bill at the register. the clerk didn't know how to do it, and wanted me to get in another very long line 2 isles over from her. I told her I was not moving, call the manager, he straighten her out right there.


Another time, I needed an item from the top shelf, the sign clearly states to ask for assistance, the little guy said I could stand up on my scooter and reach it myself. I went off on him, the manager came over and had a long talk with him. A couple weeks later, he was gone.

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