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Winter Time



Well, here we are in January already with 3 days left in the month. Seems like the christmas decorations just been put away, and in my part of the country, we have not used the heater yet. I suppose the global warming is still a factor. That's a good thing with the early prediction of how much the heating would cost us this winter. I think across the board, the prices has risen sharply for gas, coal, and electric services.


I think there has to be some colder days ahead and more rain in states that's so dry. On the other hand, the way time is flying by, spring will be here before we know it. If you have been out to the Malls and big Stores like cosco's, wal-mart, or big lots, you see all the valentine's day stuff in the isles and all over the store. They even have the left over christmas trees and decorations in the boxes, marked down to sell fast.


It's amazing how time does seem to slip away and since we are slowed down, you would think time would appear to creep along. I tell myself when I get a prescription filled, "boy this will last a long time", before I know it, it's time to call in for a refill for another 60 day supply.


I like the procedure now, I just call the pharmacy, they tell me no refills remaining, they call my PCP, and she will fax them a new prescription. Saves me co-pay and a doctors visit. I hope it works that way when I become Medicare eligible. I hope by then, I won't be on too many drugs.


So, come on winter time, I'm ready and waiting in central Texas. :happydance: Maybe then I can snuggle up and keep my caregiver warm.


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Fred -


I totally agree that time seems to S-L-O-W-L-Y move forward from one hour to the next, but then I am shocked when another week has gone by. Where did all the time go?

If you need any winter, I'm sure I can share some of ours with you - we are expecting a Nor'Easter snowstorm on Tuesday. I'll keep you posted.


Have a great evening! :giggle:





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here in Brooklyn, it was 60 + degrees and sunny yesterday and at least 58 degrees and rainy today. either the weather was a consequence of global warming, or it's from NYC being in Fiji this week.


last weekend it was cold and in the high 20's. i guess that NYC took a quick trip to Antartica without telling me.


sandy :giggle:

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