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Blues and Greys



The fine line has been crossed. My poor hubby looks at me and asks what he can do to help. I don't know anymore. He is such a wonderful person. I miss the old Richard so bad tonight. It does not seem to get easier with time. There are times I try to think back and then I cry. Why bring up something that is no more? It is a new time and age. I have learned to live with it most of the time. It is so hard when I need his arms and his wisdom and his touch just to let me know he is there.


Am I out of my mind? It seems like it lately. Too much going on and only one to do it all. "Bring in help" I keep getting told. Easier said than done. Super Woman has cracked and the super glue is having a hard time filling the crack in.


Smile Maggy, it can only hit bottom and then you will bounce back up. You have bounced before you can do it again. :bouncing_off_wall: God please forgive me. I can not even muster up the thought of praying for myself tonight, I hope someone else will for me.




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Hey MM, we caregivers have mostly been where you are right now, but you and your family have a lot on going on right now and that may be why you suddenly feel so blue.


Remember to break everything down into small steps so you can see what you are doing, plan ahead some and give out some of the jobs to others. The kids, your parents and Richard may be able to help in little ways, kids can peel potatoes, old folk can shuck peas, little girls love to dust or wash up. Include everyone in the chores and whistle or sing while you work.


I know from our chats you love the bustle of family life but sometimes you have to have time out too so create a space that is just yours which, when someone sees you there they will just pass on by. Kids love the "special place" idea and may want one too. Sometimes talks on the phone or chats here can help break the tension too. Don't be afraid to take some "ME time".


I too miss my "old Ray" but increasing disability has ruled out all but companionship so I have had to accept that. Hey, we would be less than fully human if we did not feel it was all hopeless sometimes but I am sure a lot of prayers are being said for you right now as people view this blog.


As St Julian said: "All will be well, and all will be very well."



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I know what you mean about the "bring in help" statement being easier said than done....especially for someone like you who was probably always the one to pitch in and help others out. People never seem to see that once in a while the helper needs to be helped out, too.


Hugs to you. Hang in there.




P.S. The next time Richard asks you what he can do to help tell him he can give you a big hug.

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hey MM:


I agree with jean, tell him to give you big hug or omething which he can contribute. it will make him feel also useful.



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