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Not -so-normal Thursday



Today did not go as planned. Usually, Thursdays are me and Patrick's "busy" day. A typical Thursday schedule looks like this:


Make sure Brandon is off to school by 7:50am. Leave the house by noon to get the the University 45 minutes away for our 1pm speech appointment. Work with the therapist for an hour, drive the 45 minute stretch back home, going directly to our 3pm Saeboflex appointment. Be home by 4:15 and meet Patrick's personal assistant who usually does more speech therapy with him and/or exercises till 6 or so. We eat dinner, and head off to Brandon's karate class which begins at 7:25pm. Home again by 8:45 if Brandon doesn't sucker me into taking him to Smoothie King. I should add that on the third Thursday of the month, we go to the stroke support meeting from 4pm till 5:30. Luckily, it's right across the street from the saebo therapy building.


This is how I spend my "day off" from work on Thursdays. Today, we deviated from our routine.


Get Brandon off to school: check. Get in the car and drive to the university: check. Wait in the waiting area for a bit, and no one shows up. I go to the front desk, where after some investigating, the receptionist tells me that the appointment had been canceled because the therapist was at a conference. She mentioned that someone had told them that Patrick's parents would be bringing him next week, which is true, but I don't remember the conversation. I believe they must have called early one morning and cancelled, and me being asleep, didn't remember. Back in the car to drive the 45 minutes home: check.


As we are leaving town, I ask Patrick if he wanted to grab a bite to eat. All the sudden he starts to get teary and tells me his stomach is upset. I ask him to tell me what's wrong, and he tells me he had a seizure this morning while I was getting ready. The worst part of this for me is that I have no idea how long it lasted, if it was very long or not. He said it happened in his easy chair while he was watching tv.


I tried to not scold him, but at the same time, I needed him to understand how HUGE him not telling me about this was. I explained that I understood he was scared I would make him go to the ER, but that I would rather waste an entire day there than have something really awful happen. I think he understood.


So we went home, and I cancelled his saeboflex appoinment, and told his assistant he needed the day off. He spent the rest of the afternoon resting, and when he woke up he said, "Um, eat? I'm starving!" It was nice to hear him use the word "starving", it's new to the repitoir.


While I was cooking dinner, I figured we might as well play hookie from karate as well. I didn't want to push him, even though it had been clear for quite a while that he was feeling fine again.


I hope next Thursday is back to "normal".

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I know it says "Live the life you love" but sometimes you've also got to "Love the life you live".


It is frightening that a survivor can go on to have seizures, TIAs and other medical conditions detremental to their health and well-being. It seems extra unfair after putting up with so much and fighting their way back to something resembling normal. But it does happens. So you did the right thing, you "played hookie" and enjoyed the day as much as you were able.


Hang in there, life will always come right side up again.


Lovely to talk to you this evening. Hope you slept well.



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