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Hope everybody is doing great



Hi all :hiya:


I just thought that it was time to blog again. Been pretty busy with Nancy still in hospital I have been spending a lot of time in the office.


I guess I missed the Friday night Coffee Room chat. (I was watching the rerun of the opening of the Olympic games.)


The previous Friday I missed as well as my daughter had gotten hit by a car and was in emergency. Thankfully she only needed five stitches in her face an was released. She is doing good. (off work for a few days )


So yesterday I really started to hit the wall and so today was tottaly a rest day. I did go for a walk this afternoon. Rented a movie (Radio) and had a great dinner.


Snow started this afternoon while I was out and we are forcast to get a "Nor Easter" meaning that most likely no one will be going anywhere tomorrow.


Hope everybody is doing great.


Smiles :)




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Guest lwisman




Good to hear from you. It is great you were able to take time off to "recharge the batteries." Hope things are looking better for you.


On the TV this evening they said NYC had received the largest snowfall on the records. With a little luck you will get a bit less. Let us know.


Take care and have a good snowed in day Monday.

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my mom called to tell me that we got 27 inches in NYC. they "only" got 14 incles in Long Island. that's without the drifts. since it will be in the 50's by Friday, they will soon be floods, but no snow.



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I m so glad to read your blog and finding out you are doing ok, nowadays I have kinda stopped coming to chat, thugh I come online to read blogs, since I m addicted to blogs. we got all the snow you were suppose to get it, so we chiled at home today. hope your daughter is doing good, hope to c u in chat sometime



be well and take care



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Gary, I thought you had got into a batch of good potatoes and was busy coming up with all kinds of recipies to try out. Glad all is well and my regards to your family members and a quick recovery.


Well its news hour, and I just heard VP Cheney accidently shot another hunting partner on a dove hunt in Texas. Things happen!!

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Hi Glad you are doing okay.. thought maybe you were busy with Nancy still in hospital. Glad your daughter is okay.

Good to hear you had some time to "re charge"


Saw the news with all the snow back east ( oh, yes i do remember those days..lol) it is supposed to cool back down by the end of the week, high 30'a during the day. But this last week has been beautiful, and we really needed a break from the wettest January..


Best Wishes, Bonnie

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