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I'm losing the rat race



I have been working my butt off the last few weeks. The weekend before Valentines Day is always busy, and of course Valentines Day itself is nutty, and we have been short staffed. This does not make life any easier.


My last day off was last Thursday. I had to work 8 days in a row after that because I requested my days off this week to be Saturday and Sunday. I was suppose to start a vacation on Monday, so the weekend off before my vacation was stretching it out a bit longer.


Unfortunately the best laid plans of mice and men...


My 29 year old GM has aquired an inner-ear virus, causing him to lose his balance. He keeps falling and injuring himself more. What this means for me is that I have to work this Sunday, probably Monday, and who knows when else. I won't be able to start my vacation until he is back or my director is able to find coverage. Coverage is not easy to find, so I will probably be working.


I wish I had more empathy for my GM, but I don't anymore, nor does the other two managers at work. We are not uncaring. It's just he seems to have these injuries and illnesses that keep him out of work for weeks at a time several times a year. He is not "faking". I honestly believe he is a hypochodriac of sorts(sp) and his wife feeds into it almost like Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy (exept with a spouse, not a child).


Everyone at their house seems to be sick or at the doctor's office at any given time. This illness will drag on for weeks (if history repeats itself), and we will be at his mercy on a daily basis waiting to find out if today is the day he will be back, or if we need to scramble to cover his shift and upset our personal lives (especially OUR spouses). I wish I weren't so pecimistic about the situation, but I have worked with him for 6 years, I've learned the drill.


Today, is my only day off as I have to cover his shift Sunday. I have worked so much in the last 8 days, and ran so much before or after work, that when I finally got through the "have-to's" of yesterday, I fell asleep by 10pm. That is EARLY for me, as I don't usually go to bed until 2am or so. I slept until almost 11am this morning.


After I woke up and went to the restroom, I WENT BACK TO BED. I slept 45 more minutes, then turned on the TV. About 1pm, I got up again and made myself and Patrick something to eat. I took my lunch back to bed. At 3 pm, I decided I should shower and brush my teeth, so I finally got up for real.


It felt so nice to be so lazy, and just stay warm and snuggled up in the covers all day. My house is a wreck and that was fine. I decided not to blow off the evening, so we loaded up the boys and all went to the mall. The boys did their own thing and Patrick and I did ours. Patrick didn't seem to want anything even though I was incouraging him buy something when he expressed interest in an item. I, on the otherhand, bought a cd and a new work outfit.


It was fun, going to get something that looks good and therefore made me feel good wearing it. I decided to treat myself and go all out with the outfit. I bought a light taupe pants suit, with a copper/coral (mix the two shades) shell, neckalace and a pair of earrings. Sandy, I didn't buy the shoes simply because I have to wear slip resistant shoes to work, so I had to skip that step for now. If I ever went anywear, I'd consider a new pair of heels to go with it. Probably won't have to worry about that though.


After that, we went to the chinese buffet place, and topped off the night with a stop at blockbuster. We rented Wedding Crashers and Fantastic 4. We are getting ready to watch one in a few minutes.


Overall, it has been just the day I needed before getting back to the rat race.




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I don't know what a GM is but I've had inner ear infections and they are awful and can be very serious. The first one I had I honestly thought I was having a stroke, all I could do is crawl on the floor and when ever I turned my head, I vomited until ER gave me a shot. It kept me in bed for 3 days and I couldn't tell up from down for a week. That same winter I had four inner ear infections. He probably needs to get to the bottom of what is causing the viruses or he could be misdiagnosed and has something more serious, which I guess happens with this.


I'm sorry your week is going so badly. I don't know how you work full time and care give. I don't think I could handle the rat race you are on.



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A GM stands for general manager (aka my boss). Like I said, it's not that we don't care. He has been in a car accident that hurt his back, and was out for 3 weeks. He's had migrane headaches which caused him to fall, and be out for a week. He's twisted his ankle and been out for two weeks...it's always something. This time it was the ear virus.

In all my years of working, I've never met someone so prone to accidents and illnesses. The worst part of it is, he leads us to believe that he may be back on "X" day, if the doctor says he can. The doctor never lets him though.


I snapped on him once and told him "If you know you are going to go in to the doctor and tell her you are not better, then of course she will not release you to come back. So, if you KNOW you are going to tell her you don't feel better, why can't you tell US that, so we are at least prepared!! Stop waiting until two hours before you have to be here that you won't be coming in!"


I will enjoy not having to go to work when it happens. It is totally stressing me out, and I am stressing out the employees because of it. I NEED A BREAK!!!



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That's a tough place to be in! Because he IS the boss, there is no one to make him step down to a lower position until and if he gets his health back on track. How long before you're at retirement age?



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:rolleyes:<_< :BashHead:


Had a boss like that once, I just backed off a couple of days and said:"Sorry, I think something here is making ME sick too".


Sometimes it seems as if all your plans fall through so just hoping this will be over for you soon.


Sue. :friends:

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i would buy the heels anyway. its kind of like the "Shoes of Dreams "(relative of Field of Dreams.) buy the shoes, and the rest of you will follow. buy the shoes, and the evening out will come.


i would do the heels in one of the two colors of your shell, for contrast. probably in copper.



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Did you enjoy "the Wedding crashers"? Hope not too much of your vacation is eaten up with working. I'm guessing you work for a chain franchise? That's the part that sucks that it can't operte on its own without a manager present. I remember years ago working for Pizza Hut, same drill, same BS. Working for a privately owned restaurant is a much better deal as far as getting time off.


New outfit sounds nice, enjoy. Don't work to hard.


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Hi Kristin,


Sounds like your GM has an attendance problem to me. Although all reasons for being out are legit, we all have a responsbility to be at work as to not let others continue to carry the load. Continual absenses regardless of the reason would lead me to believe disciplinary action may be in order... and your GM's boss may not be addressing what he/she needs to.


Sounds to me like you are not losing the rat race, but coping quite well. I just love those lazy days that are so necessary for regeneration....



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Well sorry you have to put vacation off, but your day off off sounded great! Glad you got to enjoy it.


Some people seem to "catch" all th "bugs" going around, maybe all of you at work should chip in for a bottle of vitamins and a bottle of vitamin C and make sure he takes one every day at work...


The outfit sounds nice... (I'm with Sandy.. get the shoes...then you'll be all ready when the time comes)..



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We haven't got to watch the movies yet-my dvd player isn't working. Not that big of deal, it was a cheap one, which is probably what will replace the broken one. I'll probably buy iy Monday if I don't have to work.


We are still going one day at a time as far as the boss goes. Our director (my GM's boss) is as frustrated as we are, or at least close. I am sure even with the doctors excuses this is not impressing him much. As a manager, sometimes you just have to suck it up and work, even if that means sitting on a barstool in the kitchen observing, making sure the place doesn't burn down. It may not be right, fair, and we definately don't want to pass on some contagious disease, but sometimes you just have to work when you don't feel good.


One of the other managers said he watched a special about Paula Abdoul, and said whatever desease she has sounds very similar to my boss' symptoms. I'll have to investigate her illness.





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