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It is Friday!! My hubby's truck is fixed, and I will get the car back. :big_grin:


I just went 2 days without and walked to take and PU my daughter to school Thursday. I shouldn't complain, I can walk, but my gait isn't correct and it makes my foot painful. :head_hurts:


I have withstood all the pain my left foot can take for almost 3 years. My left toes(except the big toe gets tired easily and can't do their job, so I end up walking on top of my baby toes. It didn't bother me when I couldn't feel them, but having feeling back, makes it painful.


Today I knew I couldn't do both, walk in the a.m. and p.m. to school to PU my daughter. :nuhuh:


My husband asked his mom to pick me up to take me to PU daughter today it made my legs day, so much brighter. I came close to falling 3 times this morning walking home. I am getting good at catching myself now.


My weekend plans you ask? I don't know, to tell you the truth. Sleep late, rent a movie, visit in-town relatives, family time, the fun things.


I don't have to cook 2night and we are going out to eat. I get real excited about not cooking and eating outside of my home.

Hope you all have a great weekend.



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I get real excited abot eating out too probably because I do most of the cooking and run out of new ideas. We had Italian food on Thursday with a group we go out with once a month and it was wonderful. Mind you we had roast chicken at home last night and that was good too.


Have a happy, relaxing, soothing weekend. Hope you have some company also to make a difference to how you see life.


Congratulations on the walking to and from school, just shows we can all put in that extra effort when we HAVE to.


Stay well, Sue.

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