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Wasted Days



I've been on vacation all week and feel like I haven't accomplished a damn thing. I get up every morning and get Brandon off to school, then I go back to bed. That ultimately kills me, because my body feels like it's starting the sleep cycle over from stage 1. I wake up again around 11am, try to get out of bed, and yell at the dog who is dancing around and verbally harrassing me.


From there I try to gather myself, look at the calendar and figure out what appointment(s) I have to take Patrick to for the day, and if I am really ambitious, jump in the shower and brush my teeth. If not I sit on the couch for a while and think about how long I can sit there before I absolutly have to get ready. By 12:30 or so, it's time for us to jump in the car and head to where we need to go.


I hate afternoon appointments in that they take up the prime time of the day and throw me all off-kilter as far as motivation goes. When we get back from them, it's pushing 2 or 3pm, and it feels like the day is already gone, as Brandon gets home from school at 2:45.


I am sure I would complain about morning appoinments too, because..DUH! THEY'RE IN THE MORNING!!! That would require me to get up and ready at the butt-crack of dawn . Oh who am I kidding... at this point I would probably show up in my pajamas and yesterday's mascara-ed raccoon eyes. A true morning beauty, I am. I will go anywhere looking like this if I need to. I am not proud of it. It's just that I don't know anyone in this town except co-workers, and I can almost garentee they are still in bed too. It's part of the restaurant employee lifestyle.


So anyway, Brandon gets home from school, and before I know it, it's time for dinner. Once dinner has been taken care of, I just want to hang out with the family. I don't like cleaning at night, it's unnatural. Cleaning must be done during the day when the rooms are bright and awake with sunshine.


Come to think of it, thats probably part of my problem. Patrick likes to keep the blinds closed most of the time, and I have a hard time getting them to open up (old and crappy vertical blinds) anyway. The gloomy, gray skies do not help me either. I think I might have that disorder where dark rooms and gloomy days really affect my mood. I have noticed that I seem to be much cheerier in the summer.


I also prefer to do housework alone, so I don't have to worry about interupting someone or being interupted, or trying to work around another person. This is difficult to accomplish when you are in our situation.


I have got to break this pattern! I need to start staying up when Brandon goes to school, let the sunshine in, and maybe I'd finally be able to get some things done that I have put off "until I have time". The time is NOW, and i'm wasting it, wasting it, WASTING IT!!





1)I watched the Wedding Crashers- absolutly hysterical, if you don't mind a touch of nudity. Rent it!

2) Boss is still out, don't think he'll be back until at least March 7th. He is experiencing vertigo, and does not seem to be getting any better at all. He thinks they will refer him to a specialist next week.

3) My BIG boss told me today that the district manager in Denver will work me into a restaurant when we are ready to move this summer. The only problem is I am not sure the Denver district manager oversees the restaurants I am interested in. Oh well, it's still good to know I will have a job somewhere in the state if I want it!


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From my experience, if you want to work in the morning start as soon as Brandon goes to school, wheel or sit Patrick within chatting distance and chat as you work, he will be impressed by your busyness, besides we all need company. I do some housework at night, ironing,cupboard cleaning, wiping down cupboards etc. Ray "holds" things for me, or I pass him something to look at, photo albums etc.


I also play music while I work, something we both like, I waltz by him and tickle him with the duster, he is a good sport and laughs sometimes when I am in a silly mood. If you don't think of it as WORK then it can just be a light-hearted way of spending some time together.


Glad you have some future job prospects. Make the most of this break and get into that housework. You should have caught up on your sleep by now...lol



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Today was a bit better.

I had to be at work today at 7:30 am for a meeting, and I was there until noon, so I didn't do the "going back to bed" routine. It was also a beautiful, sunny day, jacket-only required. I needed that!


I also went shopping for an hour, got fresh cleaning supplies (no more excuses!) and a new lamp to replace the one the dog chewed through the cord (no more dark room!). I also bought soem cheap drinking glasses and silverwear, as all mine have mysteriously dissapeared into the Bermuda Triangle known as Brandon's room.


So after the breif shopping trip, I got the kitchen, bathroom and living room done with the exception of the floors. I'll do the upstairs bathroom and our room tomorrow, I hope!


I also bought one of those storage/ottoman's so I can hide all of Patrick's speech homework and tools where its handy for him, but stll out of sight. I also threw out most of my tupperware-style dishes (my mother would be having a nervous breakdown if she knew) and replaced some with new. I got rid of the odds and ends and the ones that jump out at me when I open the cabinet like a "snake" in the peanut jar.


It feels good to get some organizing and cleaning done! I do not function well at home or work in a messy environment; I feel like Norton from the Honeymooners getting ready to sign a paper. Constantly gearing up, but never able to get going.


Hopefully tomorrow I can continue the trend!




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I lust after new plastic storages containers too. The odds and ends collect so easily. I think they mate in the cupboard.



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