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I just watched "Dancing with the stars" and I'm *beep*.


There is no way Jerry Rice should have taken 2nd place!


The man dances like I do now - oh hell, I'm worse but, you get the idea.


I live vicariously though that show - skinny women in beautiful skimpy costumes float in the arms of handsome partners. :gleam:


I have trouble walking downstairs so, doing a quickstep, a cha-cha, or even a waltz is out of the question.


I watch them and dream of what was and what could be. How dare they insult me by making Jerry Rice 2nd place?


Popular vote my a@@! If it's about popularity - it's not about dancing.


Do you remember the joy of floating on your partners arm in what may have been the one dance at your wedding?


Or breaking a move on an electric floor with a disco ball? With all your friends who are sitting in amazement, ordering another drink.


I last danced with J - 33 days before my stroke - at our nephews wedding. For what may be the last time.


I want to dance at my daughter's wedding.


I want to dance again.


And Dam% it, I want to win a title because my feet actually move --- not because I'm popular!!




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I loved the couple who came in first. They really deserved it, didn't you think? I haven't got a clue who Jerry Rice is---sports figure, I'm guessing? Whatever he is, I thought it was a brillant move to have the other sports figures on the show. I hope the show inspires a lot of young kids to get into ballroom dancing. I hear Auther Murray Dance Studios have been busy because of that program.



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I have to agree with you, the couple that won was the couple that got the straight 10's twice and was the winners in my book. Jerry should have been gone 4 weeks ago. He can play football, catch passes, but his skills in ballroom dancing is not there.


The fan base is what kept him in the running, not his dancing ability. He had access to the entire NFL with cell phones and computers. No doubt, other players from other sports too. You see he was at the superbowl as one of the past MVPs.

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Ray and I last danced at our daughter's wedding in 1994, he couldn't dance post 1990 but I was actually dancing, he was swaying. He used to be a dancing instructor in his early twenties so it was a blow after his minor stroke in 1990 to find that one of the abilities he lost was to turn round fast, something essential for dancing.


I guess we all have our dreams Vicki and dancing is in some of mine too. Never mind the slinky dresses and high, high heels.


I think dream programs such as "Dancing with the Stars" (there is an Australian version too) are just that, the stuff of dreams.



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The last time I danced was last year.... I was doing the Macarina with my daughter. Well I brought down the house. I fell and the house shook as if we had had a earthquake. I probably showed up as a blip on some richter scale......

Anyway, sounds like a good goal to me to dance again, you should definitely go for it. But I'll tell ya a secret...... I don't think I ever floated in anyones arms in my life.

Are you referring to Jerry Rice the football player?

I was skinny only once in my life, twenty years ago I was a size 3.


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