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Jumbled thoughts...Mind never sleeps



I have decided to track my progress with the advice of another member and actually letting the crap out of my head helps. I can't wait to read these blogs a month or a year from now and see how I have grown. I have been trying to get with an ex-coworker to try to get some sort of stroke awareness going. I don't know I just have always been drawn to making others aware since I stroked. It amazed me how little others know including myself.


Another topic: Monday is a big day for me...I have to get a heart monitor and wear this thing for 30 days. I kinda freaked out because I've never known anyone who's had to wear this longer than 24-48 hours. I had a PFO closure (I know this sounds like a broken record) and since October I have been experiencing chest pains. Nothing that I feel I should go rushing to the ER, but enough to alarm me because I never had this problem before. I mentioned this to my cardiologist several times before and their main focus was on the graft. All my test were done 1 month earlier following the closure and I can appreciate the concern for the freaken "GRAFT", but come on people let's look at something else maybe there's another problem. The pounding and racing heart that I can feel in my throat and back are real. They only last a minute so hopefully this monitor will pick up something so we can fix the problem early. I know everything is trial and error with medicine...so since I have healthy heart tissue I would like to keep it that way. Not wait until you can see the problem with a naked eye, I prefer pinpoint size problems.


Finally after presistence this is what I get. They claim the 30 days should catch the problem because it never happened during any specific reason I just know it happens. It happens during sleep, walking anything.


Shelia :cloud9:


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Hi Shelia,


I hope you find blogging therapeutic. It sure works that way for a lot of us.


By the end of your 30 days they'll know exactly what is going on. I had a friend who had to do the heart monitor for that long. Try to think of it as a comforting thing, something that is going to get to the bottom of your symptoms...because it is.



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In a year, you'll go back to a early blog entry, read it and hopefully go Hmmmmmmm, I remember feeling that way, glad that moment is over with. I do that with many of my entries now. Plus I see that I have continued moving in a forward direction. I may not always get very far, but I can see the slow forward movement, which helps me see that I'm not standing still treading water and I am accomplishing something.


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I had also done PFO closure in june 2004, doctor did tell me that sometime you can get irregular hearbeat, which can scare you, but is treatable with medicine. luckily for me I didn't feel a thing but when I went to see him for my followup visit, he caught it in examination and he was surprised that I didn't feel a thing,

having heart monitor for 30 days is good thing. again my PFO closure is history now and part of my heart.

welcome to our blog community and hope to see you more blogging



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