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Baby Steps



We had lunch at new restaurant yesterday.


I liked it more than Rolly. Quaint little old house with one room being a small wine bar, and two rooms turned into dining rooms. Let's see, he didn't like the tap water, the french onion soup was too salty, they should have used bigger shrimp in the shrimp croissant, the kenneback fries were soggy. He did like the mixed spring green sald with champagne vinagerette though! We shared---he had most of the salad and half the croissant, I had most of the soup and the other croissant, and shared the fries.


I didn't think it was awesome or anything, but it wasn't as bad as he seemed to think.


Which leads me to the point of this blog. He seems to be much more negative since the stroke, and yesterday seemed to be a particularly bad day. He's been battling a stomach big this week, and that's what I chalked it up to--since the stroke it seems that everything "throws him for a loop" more quickly and easily than before.


One day at a time, one baby step at a time!


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Ray get critical when he is tired. Often makes faces rather than comments about food he doesn't like and pushes it around his plate.


We eat at our local club bistro rather than restuarants as I can adjust the portions to how he likes it. Man oh man, I wish he just had a good healthy appetite again.



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