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Where's the luck of the Irish?



We went to a St Patricks Day Party at my next door neighbors on Friday night.


I didn't stay long enough to see my husband sing Irish songs around the piano with an equally loaded neighbor!! :cocktail: Or to see a bunch of 50 and 60 year old men try to dance a drunken Irish jig. :beer:


Ryan walked me home at about 8:45. I have balance issues and I can't see in the dark, and my darling son thought after two glasses of wine - Mom needed to go home and "rest".


That's when the Leprechan's started causing mischief! <_<


We hit a patch of ice on our front stairs. I went down and pulled the poor child down with me! ("poor child", he's 15 and taller than I am!) Ryan landed in the snow - I landed on the cement stairs! I hit the back of my right shoulder and it hurts so bad I still can't lift my right arm.


Ok, so we manage to get up and in the house. I laid down on the couch cradling my arm. The cat jumps on my leg with her nails out and I fall off the couch and slam my other leg into the coffee table. Which in turn knocks some magazines on the wood floor, ok I'm now in pain in three places and I've got to pee!


Of course, my right foot catches the magazines as I head to the bathroom, knocking me off balance causing me to fall into the entertainment unit. At this point, I barely hobble into the bathroom in time. I do my thing - and head out to the living room couch to "rest".


Ryan's snow covered shoes left a puddle on the wood floor - of course I step on it and go sliding, falling on my butt.


Ryan and I are laughing so hard! He helps me off the floor and tells me to go to bed ...


:Cheers: Here's to the luck of the Irish!







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I'm glad you can laugh about it. That seems to mean you didn't have to call 9-1-1. You've got a great son there.




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Vicki, Oh to be a fly on the wall that night!!!!! Hey, at least as Jean said, you didn't hafta call 9-1-1. Man they woulda never believed the trials and tribulations of that night. Glad you're ok, and can laugh about it, altho I do hope you're not still in pain. Steph

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Glad your ok, just a bit sore and probably black and blue by now...


(Are you sure it was 2 glasses of wine?) I had 2 Sat at b day party and decided it was time to eat something...lol


Glad you had Ryan with you


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