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I dont know what to do



My sister phoned about three hours ago telling me Mum was rushed into hospital with slurred speech and not quite with it. She did recognise my sister when she came in. Dad didnt want to call the ambulance, I think he thinks if she goes in she will never come out. Sister made him as a precaution. The ambulance men insited she went as well. Dad was in a bit of a state.


She said she would phone back when she had more news. I am 500 miles away, my brother is on a work trip 200 miles away, my BIL is on night shift..he is a fireman, so I hope one my nephews has gone to the hospital as well.


Mum is 84, and is/was doing well. Though a few little things were going wrong and taking a long time to heal or get better. I keep thinking the worse because of her age.


I am not even sure if I am allowed to travel because of my surgery.


I feel so helpless, I wish I could be there. I have to go now



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Honey - you don't know much and neither do I, but prayers are on the way.


Love is here. know that and do what you feel needs to be done, --- even if it's cleaning the oven --- don't panic because you can't be there!


We're there for you.



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Well your sister is there and I am sure she will call as soon as she can, waiting for new is the worst.. Your family understand you can't be there physically but you are with them in mind and spirit.


Will send prayers your way for you and your family


Best Wishes to you all Bonnie

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