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I thimk i had a tia today. When J gets home I wnat to go to the hospital. I'm ok now but, I can't remember where the spell check is or how to change the words I mispelled.



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Why are you waiting dear one? I hate to think of you waiting till J comes home to see if you need medical help.


Will be thinking of you. Let us know as soon as you have been assessed.


Your worried friend Sue.

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I know that TIA feeling. I went twice to the ER, both times nothing was confirmed. It's a crazy world of doctors and what they see or not see on the MRI.

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Vicki GF will be thinking of you too.. can't someone else take you?


Be sure and let us know how you are.. will be in our thoughts.


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I'm ok, yes I had a TIA. They don't know what caused it, and nothing showed on the MRI, but they say sometimes it won't for a day or two like a bruise. I'm fine today, just tired.

Thanks for caring you guys.

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So glad you are ok. Try and get some rest now. I know that is easier said than done. It is good you got a scan striaght away.


Take care


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did doctors found out cause of TIA, are you taking aspirin I m glad you are doing okay, if it's your work which is stressing you out, then I think you should quit it, its not worth risking your health



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