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still feeling low



I really ,really am unenthused with this job went for interview with a co. I worked for previously they did not give the job as they viewed my health as too high a risk.Bummed out as I think the risk factor was my call to make would not have applied if I thought so.

All I can Do in my mind is keep trying.

I've sent out a few more applications don't think it will do to hide my illness dd condider it for a while though.

Basically feelling overwhelmed by emotions today and I guess I'm feeing a wee bit sorry formyself

More angry than anything else now I just think life sucks.


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I noticed this is your first Blog. You must go back and click on approve in order for comments to show up.


I had posted in the off topic forum about walmart hiring handicap people. maybe if you desire, that could be a restart in employment until you can get what you really want.


Welcome to the Blog pages.

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I am really sorry that you are having a tough time of it. I am not a stroke survivor - my mom stroked last month....BUT I can tell you that I have taken my share of really hard knocks over my life, seems things come in huge waves that can appear to be too much to handle. Sometimes it also seems that just as things might be looking up - here comes a bigger wave to knock us down. Two years ago, my husband lost his job (two days after I miscarried)....he went after a job he wanted so badly - was qualified for, would have been outstanding at it, passed all the tests but was turned down after the verbal interview...He is Filipino and I suppose they thought his accent was not so good. Anyway, today he has a better job (in a totally different line of work) than he has ever had in his life, more money than he has ever made and is happy. There was a reason he didn't get that first job. There is a reason the interview for you did not pan out. Believe there is something better out there for you. I can relate to the stress of having a new one in the home. My son was just under 2 when my husband lost his job. DON'T GIVE UP. Hold onto your family for support and just KNOW that your needs will be met.

I'll pray for you.



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Bless your heart Gawaziand thanks for the comment

Didn't mean to sound like I had given up I actually did pray for it work out according to what our higher power thought was best I think I was more feeling sorry for myself than anything else and some what frustrated at everonelse milling around doing "important"stuff whist I'm stuck behind a desk pushing paper around to make their life easier for them I don't know frustrated maybe envious wold better describe it Why did my life have to change now I yearn to e one of the go getters again. :Argh: Please do pray for me to for patience and to keep strong in the faith that something more comfortable will wok out for me

Major thanks to you again.

you comment meant alot


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It is perfectly okay and normal to feel sorry for yourself - Perhaps this desk job is giving your body more of an opportunity to rest and also heal? It's just that my mom raised me to always look at the up side of life, even if it sounds silly at times. Just the fact that you are working, looking for work that would make you happier - and even made it through your stroke, proves that you are a go getter. Read through some of the other blogs here. There are incredible truths there, inspirational thoughts and wisdom. Best to you,


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