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What is harder to do, Embrace the new post stroke self or cling tenaciously to something that is definitely water under a long torn down bridge? What works for one maybe ticks off another, but lets face it, the past is the past and let go of it and move forward. Why sit and spin ones tires in the muck and mud of life? Why have endless tantrums cause life didn't go your way? Awww poor baby..... it helps if you stop stomping your feet, but if you have a new nurse maid soothing that fragile sick battered ego, let her build up the ego, it is insatiable after all. Ha! She'll learn that it isn't worth a penny of time.... glug glug, have another drink to face the real truth...

How much time is needed to live a life that is different from one previously is used to? After all nothing lasts forever. Nor is everything from the past saved, things get deleted and given away. Time to spring clean, after all when one claims a mad famous relative and postures themselves after them, but alas they haven't an ounce of talent, why keep things? Again it is the ability to let go of things and move on unemcumbered. But it seems a little man cannot let go. Such a poor pitiful sad tragic Wuthering Heights type figure. At least Heathcliff had something to offer Kathy. That is what angers the little man you know, that he was found to be lacking and is expressing outrage at being exposed to himself...... Ah seeker of truth, self appointed guardian of all truth in the world, let go of the past and move on. There is only one certianty in life and that happens to be change. Unless the unknown future scares and cripples you. Take the easy way and stay stuck in the past, or better yet have another drink



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I disagree with your last line, "take the easy way and stay stuck in the past...." That is NOT the easy way. That is the hard way of dealing with the issue of acceptance, letting go and moving forward to a new and probably better life. It's harder because it's impossible to hold on to the past and the longer a person tries the more hopeless and distraught they become.



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AAAHHHH Pam I feel you had me in mind when you wrote this blog. I totally understand what you are trying to convey.



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hey Pam:


wonderful blog, I know when you start on acceptance journey it feels like never ending and long road but I agree with you completely, move on with your life, past is past there is no point in crying over spilled milk, create new road for your life's journey


loved ur blog




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Hey Pam


Resolving the past is somewhere in there, you can't drop it and move on, vestiges of the past trail along behind. There is an acceptance that has to come before moving on and after moving on.


We just disposed of some furniture and I am reading endless piles of paperwork, sorting, sorting, throw this out, keep that. I know that some of what I throw away will be needed later and some of what I keep I will later throw away. Maybe I need that "self-appointed guardian of all truth" to sit at my left elbow and help with the job?



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