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Our trip to Mexico was fantastic - and of course over too soon for me! Traveling with extended family is always a challenge, we pulled it off, and had a great time. Rob's rehabilitation efforts went better than I expected. He walked on the beach a mile or more every day. Every couple days I would accompany him and we would work on specific aspects of his walking. We'd walk on our tip toes, walk with our knees bent, climb sand hills, walk in the water for resistance, and he even ran. By the end of the trip it was evident to me that the daily walking on the beach was an overwhelming positive experience. It also helped with his transition from his cane. Shortly after he came home, I noticed he wasn't using his cane much - and his walking around the house was improving as a result. It seemed, that at some point, his cane wasn't helping him improve his walking - and that really showed - when he started to reduce his dependance on it. I'm ready to move to Mexico!


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Hola Kholt:


My S-I_L is very good therapist and she had told us million times to walk on the sand it is very good therapy for legs, I guess this summer I will do more trips to beaches in NJ.


I am happy to see you guys had great time in mexico. I nevr used cane and my walking improved significantly, so I m cheering for your hubby. start walking without cane now he can do it





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Hola, Como estas?

I'm curious as to where you found such good beaches. Jenny and I are thinking of heading down that way for a vacation ourselves. Her first visit..I've been down there a half dozen times or so, not including to party or a booze run or two to Tijuana or Juarez in my younger days. She would like to see some of Mexico before the Reconquista is complete.


BTW a cane is just a smaller crutch. I inadvertantly lose my cane at 7 months and never replaced it.





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Walking on sand is one of the best things for balence and walking, I used to walk on sand to help my balence and walking on grass is another good uneven surface to practice on. walking on grass barefoot is even better.Confrats on giving up the cane, that is huge progress! Keep on challenging your husband, it only helps.


Btw, did you happen to run across the secret community of brain cells on the beach? I know most of mine have taken off for parts unknown and they are all hangin out on a beach somewhere, sipping srinks with umbrellas in them. I'd like to find their lazy as**s and get them back to work.


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