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Now what?????



Ok, just happened to mention to a father(I believe rhemotologist is his specialty seemed to know alot on stroke tho) who's son is the friend of my son, they were p/u my son for a movie, that I was a stroker and my little saga about the chiro and the rescue squad. Then he asked if I was on Palvix or aspirin. I say aspirin 81mg and doc/friend says that's what I take you should take 325mg...so now do I take 325 like he says or 81 like my neuro says or like maybe 162 for a happy medium (me thinkin) on that one??? YIYIYI


I figure since Im 5'5" and 130 and have nothing big going on like smokin or HBP, who the heck knows....like I said to my hubbie, no stroker wants to be there again, but he's normal and will never be able to get from where I'm comin????


It just honk me off, this is my life< I'd like to keep it goin---so what gives? 45 doctors, 45 different answers???? :Tantrum: I wish someone could tell me exactly what is good for me to do???


Doctors can make ya nuts!


without meaning to offend---have a good easter--to whoever observes it....


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Happy Easter to you too!!! I can't wait....family gathering, lots of good food and laughter.


Regarding your aspirin delemma, if I was you I'd go with the advice of the guy/gal who has your is holding your medical chart is in his/her hand. But I'd sure bring the subject up and get an explanation as to the reasons behind the recommendation to stay at the lower dose.



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In 1992 I had a simple stroke. I was told by a neurologist that if I took an aspirin a day (325 mg.) I'd never have another stroke. Because I was getting black and blue from a mere brush against anything, the GP said 81 mg. was enough. 11 years later, I had a hemorrhagic stroke- he forgot to mention that. I really liked taking the 81 mg.because it's said that aspirin is good for a lot of things, however, now, almost 3 years after the bleed, this neurologist says definitely not, ever again. So, you're right - they can drive you crazy. In my case, I'm dammed if I do and dammed if I don't. BTW, the 81mg. that the Dr. is taking, and says you should be taling 325, is no guarantee he couldn't get a bleed. Do what you feel is best for you with your neurologist guiding. He is the specialist when it comes to the brain.
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I understand what you are saying. Not only do I have friends but I have doctors contradicting each other in my case. On top of that my memory lasts about as long as it takes me to get out of the doctor office and into the car. My poor wife has keep track of everything. It is a good thing she does though. Her notes are more complete and acurate than my doctors keep. In fact my doctor has refereed to my wifes notes more than once. On top of never getting a concrete answer to questions on my drugs they are constantly changing the drug I'm on or the dose. I have gotten so that I don't even call my doctor unless I think something really bad is going on, I mean really bad. Because the first thing they do is start messing with my drugs, sometimes two or more at a time. When they do that the side effects start all over again. To be honest the best information I have is stuff my wife has found on the internet, searching for hours sometimes. Of course she sticks with the "official" sites like webmd, Amercan heart and cancer societies etc. I don't know what I'd do without my wife, such an awesome chick.



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