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Sorting through the past



Today I set myself up for cleaning out my dresser drawers and throwing things away if I hadn't used them in a year.


I did throw some things away but not all. It was a little unsettling looking through my past stroke stuff. acceptance of resignation, teaching certificate, my husband's list of my visitors, old PT/OT exercise hand-outs, my old splints and therabands.


I have a drawer designated for dead(no longer needed) splints/therabands. What if I slip back and need them again for a reason? I just can't toss them yet, but hopefully in another year or so I will be able to toss them. I came across some of my first handwriting with my non-dominant hand, and my gosh it sure has improved. I still am not happy with my penmanship, but at least the postal service can now read it. You don't know how many times my letters found their way back home for 'can't read your handwriting'


For some reason, going through all that has me all sad. Get over it Amy...


I did find an address I have been looking for of an old co-worker that moved to Scotland. I am happy about that, we have been out-of-touch for almost 3 years! Now maybe I can mail her letter off.


Today I am just going to concentrate on The Master bedroom , and hopefully by the end of the week, our little house will shed some clutter weight.:) I've gotta go put on my purple tennis shoes and tu-tu.



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Amy you look cool in your Flylady tu-tu....


I haven't thrown out any of Don's disgarded braces, hospital diaries, etc., either but they don't make me sad. They just remind me that he's come such a long way and they are symbols of each hard step forward.


Glad your handwriting is vastly improved. For anyone who is still struggling with that, why not get some Avery mini sheets address labels for your computer? You can do as few as four at a time.







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Guest lwisman




I have also been telling myself I should go through old stuff and throw away. But, good intentions are one thing, doing it is another. Congrats to you for actually doing it.


In the basement there is a corner with stuff I moved when we came here in 1999. It has not been touched. I know there is stuff there that hadn't been touched for years before we moved. When my family went through my mother's things to close her house in 1991, there were boxes when she had moved when she closed here mother's house (circa 1970) which had never been opened. I am bound and determined to get rid of stuff myself. Oh well.


Keep stuff if you think you might use it again. I have stuff like that -- like my wheelchair and standalone commode. Who knows if anyone in the family will need again. But, we have the room and would just as soon not re-buy.


Good luck with your cleaning :D


I have a suggestion about handwriting -- use the computer. I run all envelopes to be mailed through the computer. That way PO can read. Also type all coorespondance, so recipient can read!

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Jean and Lin,

Thank you all for the suggestions with utilizing my PC instead of handwriting. I do that a lot, but never tried it for addressing envelopes! I am so excited to find out another way around my penmanship!


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