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My Stupid Brain Quirks



Yesterday, I tried to multi task*ahem* TRIED


As a result, I didn't notice my "snail mail" address book falling into the washing machine and getting washed to shreds. So while it was still wet and able to gently open the pages, I transferred it to a copy on the computer.


I forgot to put baking soda or powder in the cornbread I made, and had to redo it. It was as flat as a tortilla.


I now know why the washing machine reads on the liquid bleach dispenser: DO NOT OVERFILL!! Well I knew I was over filling it, but did it really matter? Heck yeah, the extra liquid bleach ran out the bottom of the washer into the floor on my green bath towel. It's green with bleach spots now.


Today I braved a field trip with my daughter's classroom to the college's planetarium. I went up stairs and down stairs trying to keep up with the other non-stroke Mom's. I am tired now to say the least.


I'm sad today and at the verge of tears thinking about my only niece's birthday and she died 2 days later. It isn't fair, and I wish I could take some of my sister's pain away and carry it for her.


Enough about my feelings, I'm going to sort through the my real mail now.


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wow you venture to class trip with your daughter that must be really great fun. I have never done field trip with my kido, I bet it will be lot of fun, and kids feels so proud their parents being there. I m sorry about your sister's loss, I know how it feels, but my consolation is they are at better place than here with us. God is taking care of them




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