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extract of daffodil



Some days are very strange, they look quite ordinary from the outside but surreal on the inside, like standing in a room filled with psychodaelic colours, as we did once in an exhibition hall.I know this isn't what happened that I am reflecting on now, but what I felt happened today.


We had an appointment this morning to see Ray's neurologist. This is the check-up six months after I was told to "make the most of the next six months". I never knew what to make of that statement and as Ray hasn't had another stroke or deteriorated a lot I do wonder what the neuro was warning us about?


The neuro was running about 40 minutes late so we had plenty of time to look at magazines, talk to the other patients etc. Isn't it strange that it a doctor's waiting room perfect strangers seem like friends because they have a limp, or seem worried or odd in some way, and you sit talking to them at a depth you never even talk to friends at? As if the air contains some kind of truth drug?


When the doctor came out with the patient before Ray they were both laughing so obviously good news. When we went in he spread out a lot of paperwork and studied it for a while, I expect it was the reports of the Stroke Support team, I guess I should have asked. He then asked Ray if he felt his memory was inmpaired in any way. To my surprise Ray did say he thought it was failing. So the DR asked would he like to try a tablet to see if it could be improved and Ray said yes. This is the surreal part because usually Ray looks at me before making decisions and this time he didn't. The Dr went off and came back with six weeks worth of samples and Ray is now on Reminyl. Just like that.


As we left Ray even had a joke with the doctor, very unlike his usual goodbye. Maybe he felt relief that he has finally said something that he had been thinking about for some time. Maybe he has faced some of the truth about what is happening to him and that lightened the load.


We went to see cousins he is fond of (the husband was best man at our wedding). We stayed to morning tea and then to lunch and then most of the afternoon. Ray talked a lot more than he usually does and in a much more light hearted tone than he has of late. Maybe he was expecting some really bad news at the neurologist's and when it didn't come he felt much more light hearted. I never know with Ray as he isn't one to express emotions. I have to work out what he is feeling by the way he is acting instead. Whatever the reason for him suddenly seeming happy again we did have a lovely afternoon with his cousins.


I read up on Reminyl and it is said to be made originally of plants including daffodils. Which is funny because at his cousins' place we had been talking about a mutual friend who sometimes has been known to cook up one thing thinking it was another including mistaking the garden bulbs his wife had bought for onions.


Maybe a daffodil a day will keep dementia at bay.


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I love the photo of you.


Glad you had a good day with Ray. Maybe he was worrying about the appointment. I hope the new tablets make a difference.


I am sure you are not going to eat a daffodil a day but just in case I found this on the internet:


Narcissus is also known as "the flower of death." In Greek mythology there was once a handsome, young, man named Narcissus. Narcissus was in love with himself that one day as he was looking at a brook he drowned as he tried to embrace his reflection. At the place where he died grew a beautiful flower that is today known as Narcissus.


WARNING the entire plant contains poisonous alkaloids known as narcitine and narcicysteine. DO NOT EAT OR LET PETS OR ANIMALS EAT THIS PLANT. :nuhuh:


I didnt know they were flower of death, how sad. They look so wonderful. Ours are just going over



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Hi Sue,


Reading your post, it almost feels like some of the things of your day were so positive however, unusual, and that you need time to process, reflect and figure out what happened and why......


Your post made me feel warm and fuzzy :):)



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Sue and Ray ((((((((WARM FUZZY HUGS)))))))))


glad you had a good day, and sincerely hope the new medication helps Ray.



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