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There has been a lot of talk about families on this site lately. Now what am I trying to say. my own family was pretty dysfuntional. I dont want to go into all the deatils but as we all grew older and wiser, or mellow, we forgave.


At times in my life I needed my family. Maybe that was sad that was all I thought I had, i didnt think I had close enough friends to turn to. Maybe I didnt want to let other people know what I was going thru. Washing dirty laundry in public comes to mind. I didnt tell all to my family eitherbut I think they guessed.


My husband family in my eyes were even worse than mine. Needless to say he thought the opposite. He is one of 5 brothers. All the brothers appear to be differnt. So same up bringing, different results. I dont know why.


I dont think either of us have particularly good role model families to know how to bring up our own family


I really dont know what sort of messages we teaching our own children, but I think they will react differently as they are very different personalities.

Not sure what I am trying to say here.


This is a poem my 15 y/o son wrote for school



Peace is the sound of birds in the sky,

Flying above the clouds, way up high,

Peace is the sound of waves in the ocean,

Coming to the shore, in seemingly slow motion


Peace is the sound of children at play,

In the middle of a summers day

Peace is the sound of absolute silence,

No shooting, bombing or any violence


Peace is the sight of a clear nights sky

Nothing in the air, comets shooting by

Peace is the vision of a perfect dove

The symbol of peace but ultimately of love


Needles to say I am quite proud of it



On a lighter note. I was talking to my son the other day and I was talking about someone talking very quickly. I told him she was "talking 20 knots to the minute " :uhm: :oops: I meant 19 to the dozen. :big_grin: Oh well


Have a good w/e everyone




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whatever your & ur hubby's family background, needless to say you both combined are doing amazing job at parenting, you should be proud of ur 15 yr old, I know I will be, As aparent myself sometime I doubt myself whether I m doing right job in raising our son, but then I think he is Gift of God to me, and I will do my best in raising him, rest is all will be his destiny and God's will.




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reading your son's poem, i think that you and your husband turned out to be excellent parents, despite the dysfunctional upbringing that you reported you both had.




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