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where there's a will there's a way



Because I use a Mac most of the time, I have been unable to make any new blog entries. Well, because my son has a Gateway I can acess this website and enter a few 'dummy' blog draft entries that I can go back to 'edit' and then publish.

Right now, I'm on my Mac.


A lot of monkeying around for something that I should be able to do from my mac, but like the title says: Where there's a will there's a way.


Previously, I had been going back to my original blog entries and 'editing' those which in essence erased those old entries..so I had to be careful to find an entry that didn't have any comments attached from the first time around, because I'm unable to delete those old comments. I was having a hard time dinking around trying to decide which old entry to write over. I'm a pack rat..don't get rid of anything from before... I should go delete a bunch of the old stuff so as to 'free up' space on Steve's computer...maybe there's a way to 'save the old stuff to my harddrive and get it off Steve's...



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I know so little about computers until I have the will, just can't find the way. Every thing I do is wrong and nothing is ever easy. Even my affected finger quit working. I'm back to one finger on the good hand.

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I have the power to delete old comments in a situation like you are describing. If you recycle a blog with comments that don't belong to a new entry you've just written, just sent me the name of the blog entry and I'll take care of them for your. That really is the pits that the software and your Mac are fighting!!


Have you started a file where you can copy and paste old entries you want to save but don't necessarily need on this site anymore? I keep copies of all my blogs in a Word file.





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Hi Janice,


I'm a Mac user too. The only problem I have is most of the clicable smilies don't work for me.... so I have to describe them.


I use Netscape to access the site - wonder if the browser makes a difference in your ability to blog or not?



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Jean, you are so organized!!!!

Karen, thanks for the tip...I've been using Internet Explorer so will try Netscape.

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Where there's a will, there's usually a relative!


Isn't there sogtware that allows Mac to read MS?



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