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Daddy's gone-sick daughter



Daddy's gone and now our daughter has come down sick. He wears the nurse scrubs around here. I can do it, he just is so good at it, I like to watch them interact.


She complained of tummy problems throughout the weekend. I picked her up after school, we went to our scheduled activities. She was still complaining, I felt her head and it was on fire. Temp only 102.3. I really miss not having my hubby home to talk to about all this. So you guys can hear me ramble. She has already missed 5 days of school this semester. 10 is the limit. All 5 she missed we have a doctors note for* I made a copy of the dr.'s not before handing it over. One for my record, and they kept the original.


Okay, so I start googling fever and stomach aches. I read some info that freaked me out, so I called the after hours call line to talk to a nurse. I told her my situation:hubby is out of town and he plays parent nurse. Good news, it doesn't sound like anything emergency related, but wants me to go ahead and make her an appointment to be seen tomorrow. *wipe brow*


My baby is very upset, b/c tomorrow was a field trip out of town with an hour bus ride round trip. I told her that Daddy and I would take her to the place sometime soon.


The school rules say not to bring child to school until fever free for 24 hours. Looks like we won't have a strict bedtime tonight since she can't go to school tomorrow. She feel asleep about 30 minutes ago, and, that isn't typical at all. So you know she feels bad.

I called my sister to ramble about this with. My inlaws live in town.

Thanks for listening!



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change of weather brings lot of fever, cough around this time, for our kido only motrin works, but its hard on stomach so should takeafter food, giver her lot of liquids, good time to read her bedtime storeies, and giver her lot of fuiids, it has to be viral will run its course, our kido suffers from allergy






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