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Work, Home, the Move



Hi All,

Thought I'd give a little update in the thrilling saga known as "Kristen's Life". Okay, so it's not so thrilling. But here it is anyway.


On the work front, as you may remember, the general manager of my restaurant has been out since Feb 10th. They finally figured out what was wrong with him, a condition known as meniere's disease. Basically, fluid builds up in the inner ear causing the balance issues and vertigo. He had surgury on it last week, and so far things are good. He will be back to work this Friday.


It is extremely hard to work in a situation where there is no permanent "boss". Yes, there were the other 3 managers (myself included), but when the managers are all collegues- there is no one to have the final say or hold the other accountable for their actions/inactions. It is a relief that there is someone once again that has the title of "boss" (although he prefers Big Daddy).


On the home front, Patrick had another big seizure last Thursday morning. It was very scarey and lasted almost five minutes. We went to the hospital, and thankfully, we were only there a few hours as Patrick checked out as just fine.


The seizure was totally my fault, and I am saying it because I am ashamed of myself. I am not looking for sympathy. I am just doing my best to hold myself accountable and not sugar coat it.


Patrick had ran out of his seizure med unbeknownst to me. He took his Wed am dose, but ran out of his pm dose. I was at work during the evening, and he told me he was out when I got home around midnight. I called it in for pick-up at noon on Thursday. He did not make it that long. His seizure occurred at 9:30 that morning.


I blame myself for not being on top of knowing he was almost out of his meds. I know it wasn't intentional, but meds are nothing to let "slip your mind". What if it had been more serious? What if it had been his coumiden? "Intentional" or not does not bring a person back or reverse damage done. I let him down.


On the moving front, we have a place to live in Colorado! Woo hoo!! I have a rental truck lined up and packing is coming right along. I can't believe how quickly it is all coming up. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!


Thats all for now, Take Care!



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I m going to sugget asolution on medicine front, you can get pill box for week, I fill up my pills on every monday morning and since I m feeling for a week, if anything is running low I can ask my hubby ahead of time to get it, or call pharmach and hubby can pick up while coming from work. Now luckily my medicines r mostly over the counter ones now (thank God for that)


I m glad things r turning around at work and moving is coming along




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Glad to read your update. But I think you're being a bit harsh on yourself. You taking lessons from me in that department? We are all human and fallible in some way and none of us are perfect.....

Aspen, so your hand got a tad sweaty and you slipped off the pole, jump back on and life goes on. Nothing bad happened this time, it has happened to us all at one time or another.

You've got alot on your mind these days, things will calm down after the move :hug:


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As a caregiver when I stuff up I know I am in strife. I have to sit down and simplify my life from time to time but first I need to acknowledge that I am not superwoman!


Glad you have somewhere to live in Colorado and a job to go to and friends waiting for you there. Moving is always a big deal.


Maybe the being without the boss has gioven you some skills that will enable YOU to be the boss one day, seems to me you have the potential there.


Catch you in chat one day soon,Sue.

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