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"Pity party for one?"


I am having a heck of a time remaining positive anymore...


I get ladened with thoughts and feelings of bitterness that I have to recover as best I can from something I spent most of my life trying to prevent (watched weight, BP, ate healthy, exercised, didn't smoke, etc).


Dang it all - I practically preached a healthy way of life. I come from a long line of regreters & I admit that I regret that I didn't take full advantage of my health the way I should have AND of course I regret not going to the doctors sooner and demanding an MRI when I first went to the doctor with the TIA (transient ischemic attack).


Bloody H-E-double hockey sticks!


pity party over and out.

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you pity party was pretty quickly over that's great thing, going through once in a while why and what if all this I try to address it my own coping skill maybe urs could be different, but this was my destiny and it happened for some reason and got to learn great things from my stroke, I realised my hubby is greatest & I got this wonderful time with my kido who I adore which otherwise I ould have spent earning money and missed his childhood



Anyway counting blessings and writing gratitude journal helps have few pity parties




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