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Mr Macgregor and Peter



I hope you all know the peter rabbit stories.


Mr. McGregor is Beatrix Potter


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I know just how you feel. My neice gave me some "mystery" bulbs to plant in my yard a few years ago---she couldn't remember what they were. I planted them and for two summers now the plants never get big enough to identify. So they are still mystery bulbs. I can't seem to get hollyhocks to grow beyond a few inches either before something eats them off. I love seeing the rabbits in the yard, though, so I guess I should start planting a few things just for them.



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Guest lwisman


We solved the rabbit problem by adding a 2 foot high fence around the garden. Keeps the critters out. Unfortunately it doesn't keep insects (maybe worms?) out. They are having a heyday in lettuce and have completely eaten the basil. Fortunately we have basil in a pot on the deck. It is growing great guns!


Gardens are a reminder that we don't live on this planet alone. And sometimes we're not in charge. <_<

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One answer is to do an organic garden by placing big, plastic, green bag over sirt [this will keep bugs out] & just dig small hole thru plastic to place plants & you'll never have weeds!

GOOD LUCK :big_grin:

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