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final stages



thanks solely to a md friend i obtained a copy of a carotid sonogram that scti requires as part of the screening process for the stem cell therapy...i faxed it to them yesterday (thanks to a helpful neigh- bor) ...now i am waiting for a negative result from the occult blood cards from the lab tomorrow...after that i'll get the green light for my trip to kiev...i'll meet personally with peter sidorenko in orlando in the next 2 weeks while i'm down there for hbot therapy...he has been very personally supportive...i feel he's really working with me on the timeline that i believe will benefit me the most for which i'm grateful...thusfar i have a good feeling about scti and their protocols...one of my doctors is not supportive of my venture...i gen- uinely appreciated his honesty as his concerns are for my well being and he is an intelligent and com- passionate physician but i came to realize how ignorant too many medical doctors are in this country about stem cell research/benefits for people like us...we are decades behind other countries which still amazes me when i think about it...and yes the therapy thru scti is expensive...no doubt or way around that...but what do you think it will cost here when it finally becomes legal...i'd probably bet that it could conservatively cost twice as much...that's a whole other discussion...more later...if anyone has any questions/comments for me i'd love to hear from you...rich in new york


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Hello Rich: I commend you for taking the bold decision about your future. High risks and rewards go hand in hand. I do hope that the therapy will benefit your recovery and that you can provide a hope to many more patients like you wanting to try new things. I came across another company called ACT (advanced cel therapeutics) who seem to be administering cord blood cells. Have you compared this by any chance? Pls advice.

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Hi Rich in New York


This is poor Tom in Washington...(I just couldn't resist) I have started reading and re-reading your post and blogs with interest. I see that you are ONLY 5 months out from your stroke.. I haven't read much about the stem cell therapy for stroke..your story has made me want to do that and i will ...but my first observation is .. .Are you not a little impatient here? and did not any of your heathcare people stress that? I bring this up because that has been one of the cardinal rules in stroke recovery that is preached over and over: All strokes are different and recovery takes time and things are measured in inches.. maybe we are all being sold a bill of goods. :uhm:


I'm not trying to be negative so excuse me if i come off that way and set me straight. If i think how far i've come, my personal progress at 2 years is considerably more evident than my 5 months post-stroke. We are all different.


I hope this all goes good for you and wish you the best. i will be looking forward to your reporting as I'm sure many others will be too. :cheer:


Tom raining on parades in WA

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Hi Rich,what I would like to know about you is how old are you and when did you have your stroke and what caused it, I would like to think that Im a candidate for it too but it has been four years since my stroke and I wonder if its been too long to do me any good? I think it is great that you were able to jump right in and let our country know whats out there for us and that it works, best of luck to you I look forward to hearing all about the process and your progress. thanks for keeping us informed Penny :Clap-Hands:

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