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Official update on HUBBY and family



Surgeon said he got all the cancer..no lymph node involvement. He has to be very careful about eating. He cannot eat and drink at the same time...or else he'll have a lot of pain. He can eat about everything he'd like. Funny thing is, he can eat something one day and have no problems and eat the samet thing the next day and have lots of pain. He's the kind of guy that'll keep pushing himself to get things done, even at the expense of his health. We need to find some kind of energy bar or something that'll put a lot of calories in him that he can 'eat on the go' so to speak. He's lost so much weight( 50 pounds) from the cancer,chemo, radiation, surgery it concerns me how thin he is... He's 6' tall and weighs 132 pounds. Wish I weighed 132(I'm 5'9"). Everything he lost in weight, I gained...he won't take the pounds back. :Tantrum: :giggle:


Life at the Stern household isn't boring or lazy. Our son,21, has taken over the photo business, I'm a consultant to him on the office end of the business...though I don't know squat about the digital camera. :silly:


Son's girlfriend, 19 has a job and a car of her own..so son and girlfriend have their own transportation instead of taking my car leaving me without a car. My car gets good gas milage..it's a Honda. Hubby's truck gets lousy gas mileage...Dodge Ram pickup, so Hubby takes my car often. I cannot back the truck out of the garage and down the driveway(about 100 feet), so I'm without transportation, unless I can get hubby or son to back truck out before they leave.


Hubby is officially retired now from his 40hr/wk job in a factory. You all know that a retired person is busier than a person who is working. He needs to learn to relax. He has lists of lists of things he wants to do, or that he perceives that needs to be done. Some people might call him a work-a-holic, but that's just part of what makes him who he is. He's always thinking about someone else and what he can do to help them. There are a lot of people who love him. That was/is very evident from the retirement parties that have been given for him. I was in charge of letting people know about the surprise party, and I was worried I'd leave someone out from the invitation list, but I guess I did ok..there were around 150+ people there.


Hubby claims now that he's retired we can spend more time together, but that's yet to be seen. With his lists of things to do, and all his pals he talks to on the phone, I barely get an hour a day. I'm trying to not be selfish with wanting his time and attention, but I do get jealous of his sister and some of his pals. They get most of his energy and atttention. :whack:

That whack is for me.. not the others.


:cheer: I'm just so happy he's 'walking and talking' as he puts it...a line he used on me a lot right after my stroke.


Personally, I still struggle with days of feeling sorry for myself from the effects of my stroke. It's been 5.5 years now and I still can't get on with it! :bop: Time to grow up and get on with living and stop being blue... start wearing red again.


I,I,I,me,me,me...What a baby! I'm 'not the center of the universe' as I say to my son and his attitude at times.

But, after all, this is my blog...a place where I can 'vent' and focus on what I think or feel about life in general. So, I'll stop hitting myself on the head and move on. :Clap-Hands:



Recommended Comments

HI, this is a tough one as he's gone thru so much - It would seem his doctor can best advise you on his diet and health -

Being a caregiver and spouse is the hardest job in the world, kudos to you :Clap-Hands: and your love -

My stroke waas in 1985 at age 39 :Tantrum: which was just awful, but I would have been lost without him -


June :cheer:

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