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Typical day in my life



Decided to describe all I did yesterday to show anyone interested what life in a wheelchair is like and how worthwhile. I believe life would be worthwhile whatever I could do, after all I still have my family.

2 carers helped me shower and dress then hoisted me in my wheelchair. Time was about 820, I waited watching tv in bed, and did my exercises. Breakfast of toast followed at the table. By 9 I was doing my exercises for the second time. One handed determined to unscrew eye drops and apply. Manage holding with two fingers and unscrewing with two. Real sense of achievement, beat that bottle! Took washing up out on lap and struggled to reach dishwasher. Switched on my pc, read my email. My sister came round at 1030 to hear my speech exercises 4 times a day I repeat sounds like "earn", boring but getting more I can form. Sister comments how much clearer I am now, gets me to try sounds too hard to form well yet like "g". Have cup of tea with sister, she makes as I can't get to the milk in the fridge. I can just reach the kettle but have no means to carry the cups; my drink holder is off my wheelchair and I need my one good arm to operate my wheelchair. Carers come again to toilet me 1130. Apply eye drops again (they are so much better now, barely need the drops), carer offers to open but I want to do it! Lunch at 1230 with sister. Mine is a sandwich my husband made and a dessert, all kept fresh in my mini fridge on the table. I get out bread, knife and plate for sister to make hers. To drink we have another tea, and I also have water from a jug left on the table. Gosh its hot, must be over 90. Heat makes me thirsty. Sister goes around 2. Watch tv waiting for carers after I do my exercises. Carers return to toilet around 245. Eye drop time. Some afternoons I rest on the bed, avoids pressure sores and feet swelling up, but I chose not to today. Rarely need anything other than voice for carers, say "up" to them. At end say "thank you" and "bye". "Thank you" doesn't sound quite right but is just recognisable. Played a game on pc, like scrabble, keeps my mind going. Do physical exercises. Husband gets in, I turn on oven to heat it, then he helps me to toilet. As I can't reach fridge, husband heats ready made quiche which we have with salad. After dinner pc goes on and I'm into a meeting on msn instant messenger. I help run an online league for cribbage (the card game), our meeting is to discuss ways of holding competitions etc. When the meeting is finally over I play the scrabble like game then read email before bed at 1030. Helped to undress then hoisted to bed. While playing my game have my "fes" (a tens like device) attached to my leg for half an hour. Spared my 20 minute stand as my husband at martial art taekwon-do till 9, glad as it is so hot.

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