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another fall and increased incontinence



It was our wedding anniversary today, 39 years and I was not mindful of it until half way through dinner tonight, a bit late then to celebrate. Not that there is much to celebrate at the present time. We were out at a restaurant with friends from one of our old service clubs. I could have announced that it was our anniversary I suppose but the talk was general and I don't like to draw attention our way. It was a nice dinner but all the talk was by the returned travellers about where they had been, both within Australia and overseas. A lot of them had been travelling extensively as some of them are quite well off and with the freedom of being newly retired. I try to tune out a bit rather than being envious of their doing what I so wanted and had planned to do on our retirement.


Ray had a big day today as he went off with some of the Scallywags on an excursion. He left here 40 minutes late, as his driver, a survivor himself with minimal right side deficits, got lost. He actually turned left instead of right at a vital cross roads and finished up one suburb too far over, not hard to do. As a result they actually missed the ferry the rest of the party caught, leaving four of them to wait for the next one. Some time during that period Ray had a fall, he seems not to remember much about it.


When they came home the driver told me Ray had had a fall but was okay as they just picked him up. After his shower tonight I noticed Ray had some blood on the side of his head, quite a large scar diagonally across from his left ear towards his forehead when I looked. So I bathed that and patched him up. Also some scarring on his elbow and a scratch down his right shin so looks like a fall and rollover. That is why he is 24/7 care. He so wanted to go out with the "blokes" and I was willing for him to do so , hoping it would increase his independence and his confidence. Don't know how I will feel abut it next time he wants to go.


After Ray went this morning I went to see Mum who has had another "fall". This one involved a BIG black eye, not a shiner but a bruised and battered face. It looked more like an attack than a fall although the report was that she had fallen and been discovered lying in the corridor by one of the other residents. This is the second fall this week. I know she is old, has Alzheimers and has no speech or memory now but I don't like her to have brain damage from falls as well.


Ray's incontinence is an increasing problem. The padded undergarments do not seem to solve it completely. I guess we might have to use them plus other pads. I will be happier when we get this problem sorted as I am doing a lot of cleaning up at times. It is probably his dementia not helping as he tends to go three times in quick succession now and then not for hours. Tonight he had a problem after sitting down for a long time. He went as soon as he got up from the table. The dinner was just about over so I hurried him out before the others noticed ( I hope) and got him back to the car.


He also has got unco-operative again. I put out clothes, he put the dirty ones back on again. I guess this is a "boy thing" as he looked like our older son at aged eight sitting there sulking when I made him change. No-one wants to sit at a table on a night out next to someone who smells. I don't for one. So he has to change, and his co-operation does make that easier. I hope this is a transient phase and not a sign of things to come.


I can wax as philosophical as the next person on the side of caregiving that is nurturing and caring. But sometimes life at the coalface is dirty and smelly and I want to down tools and go on strike.


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I can't begin to imagine how frustrating all this has been for you to deal with. I know I fear leaving Gary with his regular sitter even for just a few hours while I run errands. She's just a short, skinny little gal and I know if he tried to get up by himself she wouldn't be able to handle him. Even on our trip we had one fall with my sister and I trying to help Gary up stairs - he forgot to plant his right foot before lifting the left one and when he went backward, all we could do was guide him to the ground....neither of us could hold him up.


It makes life very difficult when you have to deal with all the issues you are dealing with, and yet you want just a little bit of freedom from the daily routine. I just want you to know that you and Ray are in our thoughts and prayers daily. He's a lucky man to have you caring for him and I hope he understands and appreciates the enormity of your devotion to his care.






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As I've said before, we wish our spouses could get better. I guess the reality is that in some cases the damage to the brain is too much for that to occur - in spite of all the therapy, etc. You and I deal with a different type of caregiving. "Severly and profoundly" compromised seems to be a challenge that can't be repaired.


Falls, incontinency (or inability to use a toilet properly), loss of ability to understand the importance of personal hygiene, deminished understanding of reality seem to be our husband's future. As time goes on it will be important for us to realize the love we have for them may require difficult decisions regarding their care.


I, too, never imagined a life like this - but God has and will provide the strength we need to carry on caring for our beloved ones, and understanding the deeper meaning of "care". Vascular dementia is much like Alzheimers and the long-term care is the same as the care for Alzheimers patients.





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I'm sure you've already covered this base, but on the off chance that you haven't---when is the last time Ray saw a urologist? Older guys can have other things besides dementia cause incontinence. In either case, it's not a fun thing to deal with on a daily basis.


I remember well what it was like to have my dad go off in someone else's care....the worrying that they couldn't watch him as well as I could. It sure cuts down on your freedom when you get to a point here you can't trust others. But falls can happen whether we are there or not.


Happy Anniversary!




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I am sorry to hear your fear of Ray falling while out with the boys was realized. You did the right thing letting him go out. It may not have been a great day physically for him and you said he doesn't remember much of the fall, but I bet he remembers being one of the guys. As Jean says, falls happen whether we are there or not.


Big Hugs to you!




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:Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: Kudos to you for all you do for Roy, as without YOU, he'd be lost :big_grin:

I'm sure there are times you want to give up or :bop: , but you just perserve, and are there for him -

Please, try to make ME TIME just for you





This kind of care requires AWESOME LOVE AND DEDICATION


June :Dr_Evil:

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