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a very bad day- sorry to rant again



Second Entry for August 30, 2006

Welll - today really sucks. I 'm pretty sure I've lost a friend today, I know I've lot an uncle-in-law.....Uncle Hank (Dan's uncle) He had a massive heart attack and passed this morning, and one of the best friends I'vr ever had is moving. I am a mess. I can only imagine the pain that everyone else who loved y=this man is going through.....he was one of those "pillars of the community" that everyone knew and loved......he has lots of kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews and so on.

To understand more n this post , please read here:


I'm about reeady to give up on this life... I want a new one........



Entry for August 30, 2006

Well, I got my first thrashing about my blog here is a comment i received:


As i am the friend who let distrust set in, I feel i have the right to give my side. I know this is your spot Mel, and i respect that. But you told me written words are better than verbal. I emailed a question re one of kyla's appts. I waited for a response as long as i could, i signed up for another appt. and then i went on with my work/life. i was working two evenings in a row when that appt was scheduled, in Cinti, in the morning. You called me at 940 am when the appt was at 1030 somewhere i didnt know how to get to. If you felt some distrust, i felt some anger. I have been trying to bend to your needs; email vs phone, appts vs coffee, tolerance/acceptance*bill of rights* vs former friendship boundaries; I am upset. I checked my email after youcalled me very upset. i was not signed up to do that appt. i got no reminders, nothing. so.. i knew you were upset, so was i. the next day i do an appt. and catch a ride shows up.. this bothered me as well. it seems to me you called them to have a backup. i would understand that if i had truely "forgotten" girlfriend's appt. i wasnt ever signed up for it. i dont have to sign up on the website. i can just drop it. i am trying very hard, the only ways i know how, to be who you need me to be. but i seem to have to adjust more and more for you and yours, and that leaves my family holding the proverbial bag. i thik we need to have more open conversations instead of these quiet behind the scenes ditties.


Then why didn't you call /email/stop over after you read this? Instead you continue the "behind the scenes ditties" I am doing the best I can, I'm sorry if that isn't good enough for you.


Apparently there is a bit more going on than just this........but Jeweli, I am sorry to say that you wouldn't know because you asren't around......I know you are busy and Brent is busy - it just strikes me as a little hypocritical that you say you are bending over backwards for me but I have not physically seen you but once or twice in the past month. I don't ask you for rides or anything else aanymore because you do seem too busy. You have been pulling back from me for quite some time. I really appreciate wha you all did when thr stroke first struck, but now when it is becoming more and mmore clear what my disabilities are, it is too much to handle. I 'm sorry if you feel like you are "holding" the bag - but you have done a great job of shutting us out as well - You know my husband is a cop - I can't count on one hand the number of times he has come home and said - "oh, Brent and Jeweli were over at Jim and Kesha's house tonihjt, looks like they were grilling out and having a good time" Can't have open conversations if we aren't even there. So if you want to have an open conversation that's fine, but let's be all equal about it - it isn't just about me and my stroke and having to deal with the new me. It's just that our families, except for our girls don't seem to mesh very well right now - it may still be the lingering thing from Dan and Brent, I don't know..........but I do know that it is not all my fault. I know that you don't particularly like or get along with another of my girlfriends either or whomever else I hang out with and maybe that is a sore point too.It does seem rather odd that you don't show up at events where you know she's going to be. She has tried very hard to be friendly to you, but you have turned your back on her as well. So we can drop it from here, that's fine - I never needed you to change, just be who you were(or who I thought you were)


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Oh Mel...I'm so sorry. Sorry for the death of your uncle-in-law...sorry for what seems like the death of this friendship.


I know in my life friendships come and go...things change, even without experiencing a stroke. This is part of the cycle of life. I hope you can talk with your friend...share what you are feeling...get it off your chest...make some peace with the changes. This might've happened even if you didn't have the stroke. That may or may not be comforting, but there is no way to know for sure what has caused this change for her. Maybe try reaching out to her this one more time to see if you can get this resolved. Just as we discussed in another thread that it is easy to say "It's your fault" when understanding the dynamics of a problem, it is harder to recognize and say "Here's my fault in all of this" As someone who feels like she is on the outside TRYING DESPERATELY to understand what my own partner is feeling, try to reach out and understand perhaps things from your friends perspective. The truth lies somewhere in between, right?!


You are loved...I know this is hard and I'm sorry! :hug:

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Thanks Robyn - I took the afternoon to refocus and get ready for the next few days whivh will be absolutlely horrendous. Hank was a farmer all his life, raised thrre sons and a daughter - allof whom have done well for themselves. His wife Emily was a schoolteacher and Hank had beren driving school bus route $12 for the past ten years so he knew many of the communities children and were involved in the entire county like a bearing wall is to a house. His lossw will reverberate for some time to come. It was at least painless - a massive heart attack - he was gone eveb before the call to 9-1-1 went out.


I realized that amidst all of this I hadn't put down any of the good things that had happened this past weekend. Along with a good friend of mine , I attended a "Hope After Stroke" conference put on by the NSA and the local stroke center here. I didn't really realize it but apparently I live in a great place to havr a stroke - Cincinnati.

The Drake Center is internationally known for it's rehab facilities. And we have the The Neurscience Institute at the University of Cincinnati...... no wonder they wre able to find out what caused my stroke so quickly and put me on anothrer drug regimen that makes me feel better!!!!! LOL

At any rate, we were able to speak directly to the neuroscientists and the researchers - a little piece of heaven. Was also able to speak to folks from the National Stroke Association - and got to get on my soapbox about encouraging more stroke awareness and asked why It's the American Heart Association, when it should be the American Heart and Stroke Association????? Politics and each organization wants recognition for its individual accomplishments..... Money and greed - same old story.....ah well.


Had a good experience for the both of us - she's been told by her doctor that they think sge's had a couple of she got a bunch of info to take back to her fact her cardiologidt is the brither of the main speaker! :yikes: We got a bunch of freebies, greta bagels for breakfast and an awesome lunch...

I gave out the website a bunch of times...


Then on Sunday - my DH - love of my life and biggest chearleadr :cheer: he has bought me a new car - I go to take my driving assessment this Thursday but he says ha has enough confidence in me now that UI'll pass it...... For all the bad things in my life, he and my daughter make up all the joy to balance it out.Thanks Robyn - I took the afternoon to refocus and get ready for the next few days whivh will be absolutlely horrendous. Hank was a farmer all his life, raised thrre sons and a daughter - allof whom have done well for themselves. His wife Emily was a schoolteacher and Hank had beren driving school bus route $12 for the past ten years so he knew many of the communities children and were involved in the entire county like a bearing wall is to a house. His lossw will reverberate for some time to come. It was at least painless - a massive heart attack - he was gone eveb before the call to 9-1-1 went out.





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Congrats on the new car and on the great experience you had at the "hope after stroke" conference. I'd love to get info on that and forward it our friends...Jane teaches at Bowling Green, near Toledo so if there are good resources for stroke in Ohio, that is great for her to know!!


Our loved ones can truly bring us joy!!! I'm so glad you have your husband and daughter in your life! Much blessings and peace to you over the next couple of days!!



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HI Mel, So sorry to hear of the loss of your Uncle. And the missunderstanding with your friend.


Your Uncle may be gone, but he will not be forgotton, sounds like he was a great guy and will be warmly remembered.


Congrats on the new car....


(((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) Bonnie

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