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Shame on Me : But I am Back



Good Day to Everyone,


After I read the Strokenet newsletter today, I was reminded that my blog was sitting stagnant for months.

I really have no excuses, except I have been bogged down with email from my newly found brother, my son in Iraq, and his Japanese fiance. Most of my time is split between exercises, and emails.


But I became very excited about the prospect of joining the bookclub. My husband is running out to get the book so that I can hopefully finish it by September 15th.


Here is an update on my life these days ...

First of all, I have been having problems with depression, so I now see a therapist and we are working through my issues.


Next, my son is out of Iraq ... he arrived back at his base at Camp Pendleton on August 22! he will officially be discharged on October 5, following 10 years of service in the Marine Corps. He will then return to the apt in Okinawa that he and his fiance shared while he was stationed in Japan.


My son and his fiance will be visiting me for 2 weeks in November. They have been planning a Thanksgiving at home since for more than a year. I have to help my husband decorate and furnish my son's old bedroom

for their visit. I have never met my future daughter-in-law and I haven't seen my son since he came home for his 18th birthday (he is now 26 - turns 27 on Oct 18). You can imagine my excitement.


I turned 50 years old on August 6th --- there was no celebration, no cake or candles --- I received a few beautiful cards and I was very happy with the rather normal day as it passed. I think 50 fits me well.

I have some wrinkles - who cares. Of course I could do without the age spots on my hands. But at least I don't feel the need to color my hair, since I have no gray to cover. Oh, I am certain that it won't be long, because I am sure that I have earned some gray hair during this past year.


Lastly, I will have a chance to meet my brother Steve (age 55) in November when my husband and I

take a quick trip to Florida. This is also very exciting for me, because we have shared so many emails, pictures, etc, I just know that we share so many interests.


Enough rambling for now ... Happy day to all!


Love, Deb


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Hi Deb,


Glad to see you back and are joining our book club! Don't worry if you don't get done reading by the 15th. Once we open the discussion thread, it will never close so you can join in whenever you are ready.


Sounds like your life has taken a busy turn.




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Welcome back Debbie, good to see you back in your blog again. How about coming to chat too, plenty of newbies so we need some experienced people on to help them.



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