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Still recovering



I had mentioned previously that strokes affect so much more than the physical and cognitive aspects. I had lost so much of my confidence. I think that may be changing! :cheer:


Last night I dreamt that I was back at the university where I got my master's degree (I utterly hated my advisor there) and was taking a seminar class with my old advisor as the instructor. In the middle of class, he looked at me and said 'wow, you look like you have put on weight' (which I have since the stroke, thank you very much). I told him that was very rude and how rude it is to mention someone's weight and/or age. ~I used to be such a straight talker, prestroke~ Well, the other students in my lab at this university have always had a 'god' image of our advisor and were not happy that I told him he was rude (just because you have a Ph.D. does not mean you are not responsible for your comments, in my book). I just thought Good for me! He was such a jerk.


It was nice to wake up and feel like I got some confidence in my abilities back. :silly:


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I work w/ them all day......just b/c they have a PhD. doesn't mean they have any common sense, or manners for that matter! I've been known to tell a few off myself in the 17 years I've been here :-)

So glad you are regaining your confidence again!

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hey sherri:


I m so happy for you, regaining that confidence back is best thing as far as I could tell, you don't feel "poor thing" anymore. Now that my confidence is back I fight more with hubby:)




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A girl we know who is from Czeck Republic was going back for a visit. She had put on some weight and starved herself to look good. She couldn't wait to go and was anxious to return there to live in a few years. Someone was cruel and told her that she had gained weight. When she came back here and glad to be back, she said people here don't do that, (well, you found one who did) Degrees don't make people. They are often so involved in learning that they forget to be human.


Good for you :cheer: He deserved it + some.

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There are so many things that happen to you after a stroke, one is loss of confidence, but after 20 years, its back, so I know how you feel -

Stroke is a re-educating of friends, and family that just because you had a stroke does not mean that you are not capable any more

June :blush:

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