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Eventful Weekend



Mikes birthday was Friday and we really didn't do anything that day to celebrate other than I did give him his gift but we were planning his celebration for Saturday. He had therapy that morning and the rest of the day we just hung out here and a few people called to wish him a happy birthday.


About 3:00 or so in the afternoon, I'm on the computer and my cousin who used to live here with us for a short time, instant messages me and wants to know what I'm doing. I tell her nothing and she asks if she can come over here and hang out for a while until a friend of hers gets off work and can come and pick her up. I say thats fine and she ends up coming over. She was here for about an hour and then left around 4:30.


Fast forward to the next morning. I'm at Wal-Mart buying groceries for Mikes birthday dinner and a few other things I have been meaning to buy. I decide to put my purchase on a credit card that I don't use very often but had just used on Thursday when Mike and I went to Applebee's for lunch after his Dr. appointment. The credit card wasn't in my wallet but the receipt from Applebee's was. My first thought was, I must have thought I slipped it into my wallet but it fell in the bag that I take with me and Mike to all his Dr.s appointments. I really didn't worry much about it until I got home and still couldn't find it. I call the credit card company to report it lost and tell them that the last time I had used it was on the 7th. The person on the other end says well you have numerous charges after that that have came through. I told them I haven't used it and at first I thought well I must have dropped it near home since the charges were all within my home area. They said they would file a fraudulent claims report and that the charges would be taken off within a couple billing cycles.


I start to think about the fact that I had only went to one place within the two days since I had last used the card and that was to take Mike to therapy. I thought that it was a slim chance that it would come up missing then because we had the bag with us at all times and I didn't need to get into it so it wasn't likely that I had dropped it out of my bag. then I started to think about the fact that only one person was at my house yesterday. Now my cousin hasn't been the most honest person but I wouldn't have ever thought she would take a credit card out of my purse and use it until now, but I start to become suspicious of her and decide to call the credit card company back and find out what times the credit card was used. The first time it was used was at 4:50 only about 20 minutes after she left my house and the last time before I called the company was 5:15 in the morning. So by then I'm really thinking it was her.


I just so happen to have the cell phone number of the friend who picked her up, so I call him and asked if she was using a credit card yesterday to pay for things and he said yes. I thanked him for being honest especially since if he hadn't told me that then all I would have to go on are suspicions. Then I call her and of course the first thing that comes out of her mouth is "I don't know what you're talking about". Which I reply that she might as well not try to deny it since I had already talked to her friend and he told me that she had a card. Well then she was completely quiet. She hardly had anything to say for herself and didn't even really say she was sorry. I told her that now she has put me in a position of having to decide whether to prosecute her or not. Because i called the credit card company back and told them that I thought I might know who used the card and that it was taken from my house they canceled the fraudulent claim and now I'm responsible for it instead of the card company. She asks me if I will give her two weeks to get the money back to me and not call the cops. I told her I didn't know what I would do but that she was definitely going to get my money back and that I wanted to talk to her parents which is my Dad's brother and his wife (my cousin is actually a step cousin). I don't know what I'm going to do about calling the cops or not. I don't want to be the person to really get this girl in trouble but she has done this before and I know that she has stolen small amounts of money from other people and I had my suspicions that she may have stolen small amounts (a dollar or two) here and there while she was staying with me.


So instead of finishing getting ready for Mike's birthday party I was busy all morning with this. Fortunately Mike's birthday party was nice. Well the one with my family was nice. Earlier in the day his family came over, I could have done without his Mom being at my house, but it's his house too and he didn't seem to mind. I guess they've both gotten over him telling her to get the f*** out of his house. She just gets on my nerves. She always lies about things. I even heard her lieing to him yesterday while she was here and I had to bite my tongue to not correct her and tell him she's lieing. I hate it when she does that because its like she thinks he's to stupid to know the difference of whether she is telling the truth or not.


And today is the anniversary of the strokes happening. Really today hasn't been as bad as the last week and thinking about all that happened the week before he went to the hospital. Thoughts of that week have been worse then thoughts of the day.


So my weekend was speckled with good and bad things. I didn't let the bad take over though.


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It is always best to look at the good in every day for your own peace of mind. We used to sing that song: "Count your blessings" and on a bad day that reminds me that life is "speckled with good and bad things" as you said.


I am glad you can have Mike's Mum in the house now in spite of what has happened. I have a friend who tells lies a lot, I think of that as his weakness, he wants to re-invent himself all the time, to look more important. You will be glad later that Mike still has contact with his family.


Sorry you went through all that angst with your cousin and the stolen credit card, what a hassle on what should have been a much better day. I hope today is much happier for you.


Tell Mike "Happy Birthday" from Ray and me. And give him a :friends: big hug.



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Happy Birthday to Mike...and congrats on making it 1 year post stroke!


I'm sorry your cousin is so awful...I hope she cleans her act up! :hug:

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