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Back into PT



That's right. Lisa has an evaluation appointment next Wed. to go into a physical therapy program. She is very excited. It has been about 8 months since she has had any professional PT. She has lost a small amount of mobility, but nothing that is unmanagable. Her neurologist told us that this is how the game is played. You go for a while, gain what you can, get dropped after you plateau, and get picked up again later. Why don't doctors tell people this when a patient first starts? It was such a shock when she was dropped the first time.


Anyway, we are looking forward to it. I'm not sure what level of therapy she will be getting, but any will help.


The leaves are already changing here in Minnesota, a sure sign of fall. They should be peak in 3 weeks. It was 38 degrees a few mornings ago. For me, too cold too soon.





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I totally agree that doctors should tell you that you can usually go back to therapy in the following calendar year when the insurance company will foot the bill again, but they don't! It was three years after Don's stroke when I found this out and needless to say I wasn't very happy that they keep this stuff hush-hush.



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Hey Butch!

If I remember correctly, fall is your favorite season (same for me), isn't it? 38 degrees is pretty cold though.


Glad to hear Lisa is getting back into PT, I hope it all goes well!



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If it wasn't for this site I wouldn't have realized that I could get Mike more PT, OT after he was told he had plateaued in OT. Because of knowing this I wasn't as worried about it like I was when we were first told that he only had a month left and would then be dropped. He is getting to go for an evaluation for Botox. I'm hoping that since part of the reason they felt he wasn't going to progress any more right now was because of the spasticity in both his arms that they will reconsider and he will get more OT after the botox.


Congrats on Lisa being able to get more PT. Every little bit helps.




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I m always happy to see you back updating on Lisa, I m glad she is back in PT again. I know you don't need medal from any one of us, but I just want to tell you, we all survivors appreciate our spouses who decided to stick for ride. you all r great guys.







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