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Good Physio Session



Success! My husband had a call back re the hoist. Now to see if they turn up Tuesday morning.

Physio yesterday. Went well, rolling which I was pleasantly surprised by and then a stand where I stood unaided, raised my left hand, shifted weight to right and raised left heel! Even descents were mainly well controlled. Phew I can feel my legs getting stronger at last. Wondered some time ago if I could ever stand myself but now firmly believe I can again. Self doubt shouldn't creep in but does. So much seems so hard now but came so naturally. This road to recovery is long and hard but I'll beat it.

If there are typos please excuse them, I'm typing this doing my speech exercises.

A lazy day today. Still tired so just as well. There was talk at the weekend of getting a small dog. Won't happen till I'm able to care for it, a way off yet. The kids were saying they'd walk it but doubt they would really in the rain!

Derr opened a new window, here it is.


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Diane, you are coming along fine now. Keep that confidence going. It is a long haul but oh what joy being able to walk on your own will bring. I was so happy when Ray could finally walk unassisted, it made me cry. And it is such a difference to see him stand upright, at his full height! He walks a bit erratically sometimes, but he walks. :cheer:


It is hard to wait for something to happen, we were like that with our front handrails, waited almost fifteen months for them. What we didn't know was that the entire staff (one man) had had a heart attack and there was no money to replace him. So we could only use the back door all that time.


But little by little your life will go back to a semblance of what you want it to be, just keep courage my friend.


Sue. :friends:

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hey Diane:


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: so happy for you, I knew it, you can do it, these damn stroke takes time but you can do it, keep positive attitude towards your recovery,




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Yes it soooo slow, practice as much you can at home, Even if it is lifting your heel off the floor wwhile sitting in your wheel chair. Any little thing you can repeat or do at home between therapy sessions.


I have found that repeition is the key. the more you do an action no matter how small, the easier it gets and your brain does get re wired.


Wat ti Gio, keep up the good work.

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