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Still here & going strong



I can't believe that it has been nearly 2 months since I last posted in our Blog!!! I haven't been able to use my computer much as it has been playing up & boy have I missed it, it still isn't fixed properly but hopefully will go in tomorrow & be fixed.

Baz has been doing wonderfully, came shopping with me yesterday & helped push the trolley around ,he thought it was great, so hopefully will come more often, usually he just sits in the car, he even took the trolley back to the parking bay with me watching nervously as he crossed in front of cars!!

I hate this time of the year as it is the anniversary of Baz's stroke ( 2 days after my Birthday)& 2 years since The Stroke...but I think back to how he was when he first came out of Hospltal & how well he has done & have to be grateful he is still here with me...I made him look at some of the postings here the other day & he was amazed at everyone who is able to post & the wonderful support that is here for us all !!!

We are still doing the hour radio show & he has got more confident but still will not talk I am hoping that he will get back to it one day :Clap-Hands:

I haven't had a chance to catch up with what everyone hads been doing but hope when the computer is back will be able to...


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Welcome back! Wondered what happen to you. Don't miss our new Blog Community forum. Each week you'll find a blog report there that gives a line or two about what we've all been blogging about that week. That will catch you up in a hurry.


The hardest two years are out of the way....that's a great place to be in. Keep up the emotional healing! Sounds like you're doing great in that department.



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