veggie.vampire's Blog

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The hoist man did turn up, take back all my black thoughts. Still stops for no apparent reason at times but no longer broken where it hit my pull bar on the bed. Both husband and carers have done that!

A good physio session again, very good. We tried my wearing ankle brace and trainers to stop my right ankle buckling as it does. Much better, that's the way to go. Stopped my ankle turning over as it does. I spent a total of 45 minutes standing, around 5 individual stands. As I was stood so well we tried raising both left and right feet which I did easily, other sessions it has just been the left foot, my better one. Also tried twisting, again easy. Very excitingly with seat raised I stood myself. Tried and so nearly managed with it normal height, standing myself is my next goal. When I do standing with the standing frame I do some raising and can feel my legs getting much stronger.

Tonight ate my first flake chocolate bar in months. Yum. I'm rather a chocoholic! Still eating it I felt like pre stroke, a big step forward.

Better go, I'm hosting a crib game (fingers crossed!).


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Great to hear! :Clap-Hands:


You have to be so proud - I know we are! :cheer:



You are awesome. :beer:



- signed, a dedicated chocoholic :blush:

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My Mum used to play crib some Friday nights with a small group of friends, usually the same two couples. I remember as a child laying in bed and listening to the laughter.


It is good you are slowly getting that ability to stand back. When you can lift the right leg and the left one after another you must be soooo close to walking now.


Keep up the good work.



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